Chapter 3

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[psst again! the photo above is the school Yejin goes to with Jongin and Sehun plus the others, I would think this is the school from 'The Heirs' however the plot is obviously different but this story is based at a rich school so yeah! Oh my god I'm rumbling now please do read now!]

Jongin's POV

"How was your break Jongin oppa?" Most of the girls said when I arrived at the school gates. "My break was good girls" I smiled and proceeded to walk towards the entrance.

As I walked closer he heard a group of girls behind him say "Ya- Did you hear about Song Yejin coming back from the states?" Another girl replied back "Song Yejin?" The other girl replied back "Song Yejin was here two years ago but she left and stayed in the states for a year, also someone saw her at the airport the other day too. It was also when Kyungsoo oppa came back from China"

I smirked and totally knew it was Yejin that walked past him at the airport. He muttered to himself "I guess your first day back is today" Then a voice beside him spoke "Whos first day back hyung?" I stared at his younger friend by a couple months. "Its nothing Sehunnie" But then I looked at Sehun again and spoke "Wait how did you get past the girls?" Sehun replied "You were so dazed out that you didnt see me at the front entrance hyung" Sehun laughed.

Yejin's POV

"How was your break Jongin oppa?" It was the first thing I heard but I came into school, I swiftly went around people and wanted to hurridly go see my best friend. I then thought of something 'Wait was that Jongin, Kim Jongin?' Then she shook her head and said "He wouldn't come on the first day" As I walked up furthur much closer to the entrance she knocked into someone. "Watch where your-" The voice said but I had cut them off "I'm so sorry!" I bowed and sped walk faster into the hallway.

As I begun to speed walk I didnt realise where I was going and ran into someone yet again (T_T) "Still clumsy as always Yejinnie" They ruffled my perfect hair let me cry in peace please. "Yah, its rude to not greet your oppa especially that you didnt tell me you were coming back either" He faked cried and I laughed and said "Seokjin-ah sorry I didnt tell you and plus I was going to suprise you! But I guess not" Seokjin then said "Yah its Seokjin-oppa not Seokjin-ah" He said sassly.

"Seokjin-oppa wheres Namjoonie" I wanted to see where my other best friend was but he wasnt anywhere near us. "Its the first day back and he said he will come later its because we will be in the gym there welcoming back the seniors" Seokjin says, he continued again "Plus his probably going to come later maybe when we have lunch or something or ill text him to say your here" I nodded.

(authors note: gonna be using Jin instead of Seokjin)

We both walked in the hallways Jin was greeted by girls and he just waved and them and said hello, his so nice. We chatted about what we did on break and then we went to the gym for the opening.

Sehun's POV

I got knocked into a girl, well more like she walked into me or something like that. She even cut me off aigoo, I guess she was in a hurry. Her hair smelt nice to, I think she put abit too much conditioner on her hair but it was nice, it smelt like strawberry too.

I was so in daze that I didnt realise that me and Jongin were half way to the gym. "Yah don't be dazed out, were nearly there"

We entered the gym, it was packed every seat was filled up and then we began to walk to the left side, me and Jongin became senior representives which is strange since both of us didn't enter but oh well. We walked past the back bit of the gym which had stair like seats, I looked at the corner of it and saw the same girl that ran into me next to someone else, it was a guy. Another guy then came in and he went to the same corner and greeted them both. She smiled, It was a beautiful one.

I never realised it but it was the girl that I said that looked like a Korean Miranda Kerr. I sheepishly smiled because of Miranda Kerr.

As me and Jongin went up on stage to greet everyone, I glanced at the Korean Miranda Kerr and she looked shocked, I turned to see who she was looking at and it was Jongin hyung?

Did they perhaps know each other?


authors note

Thats a wrap for chapter 3! Its abit terrible and Im so sorry if it drags on, sorry for those who dont like that kind of fanfics. Im trying to go indepth and also I try make to lengthy at the same time ;-;


Next chapter will be in the gym in Yejins POV and then it will switch to something else.

Q: Why was Yejin so shocked to see Jongin on the first day back?

A: Yejins POV next chapter

If it by all means starts to drag on please do tell me I write alot and half of it might not be part of the story as I can go a abit off track sometimes XD

I hope you all enjoyed chapter 3! Please do vote and comment your thoughts, also dont forget to add this to your library and follow for more updates.

Chapter 4 Coming SOON

babyjeon signing out

(previously was: Wolf Sama)

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