Cinderella Part Two; Grape

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~Here's part two! Hope you like it ineffablecube~

~Jen's POV~

Monday, yay, not. People will be raving about the prom, going crazy. AGAIN. Post prom is even worse than before prom. Teenagers bug me so much.

I walked into school, earbuds in and my head down. I got to my locker and there was a poster on it. I couldn't believe my eyes. On a purple piece of paper, was a picture of me and that guy from last night. And in big black writing it said, 'Have You Seen Cinderella?'. 




I ripped the page off my locker and studied it carefully.

"I'm telling you! That was me last night!" I heard the captain of the cheerleaders say. 

 "And I'm telling you, I know you're not. So stop throwing yourself at me, it won't work." I heard the guys' voice from last night say.

I peered over my shoulder, I didn't see him, just her. He walked away and I turned and looked at him. Black hair, super tall but I knew that already.

 "Um, eavesdrop much!" She yelled. I turned and faced her. She had her hands on her hips and was leaning in my face. "Why you little-" Before she could finish, a yell stopped her.

 "Abby! Leave her alone!" The guy yelled. She glared at me before storming off. I watched her stomp down the hallway. I looked at the floor and turned back towards my locker. "What, no thank you?" He yelled with a chuckle. I looked over, afraid of what I was about to see.


I blinked a few times to see if I was hallucinating. I wasn't. I smiled and he chuckled. He turned around and walked away.

 Should I tell him who I am? Not sure what to do. I'll have time to think in drama class I guess. 

 Worst class to take for someone who tries not to speak. The drama teacher was babbling off about Shakespeare or something.

 "Alright listen up! I will pairing you up into groups of three. You will be doing a scene from Romeo and Juliet next class." She paired people off with others while I doodled. "Abby, Sean and Jen." YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING.

I heard Abby snicker and I was frozen in fear. Everyone split up, I walked over to them. Sean was sitting on his desk, Abby was standing. 

 "You're the girl from earlier aren't you?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Nice to meet you." I smiled back and Abby huffed in response.

 "Alright, here's the plan. Sean, you'll be Romeo and I'll be Juliet." She smiled. "And Jen you'll be the director." I opened my mouth to say something but I quickly shut it. I shook my head and looked at the ground.

 "Hold on, did you want to say something?" Sean paused Abby from saying more crap. I looked up and shook my head. 

 Luckily the bell rang, I got out of there as fast as I could. LUNCH! YAY!

 I sat with Maggie at a table near the back. I could see Sean eyeing me from his table. But I ignored him. I don't know what else to do.

 Maggie keeps bugging me about it. Saying I'm what the entire school is buzzing about. 

 I heard a whistle from the side of the room. "Hey Jenny!" A football player taunted me. "I didn't see you at prom? How come? To ugly to get a date?" He laughed along with his friends. I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. I grabbed my lemonade and started walking towards them. Past Sean, who was watching my every move.

 He stood up and crossed his arms. "What are you gonna-" Before he could finish I put my hand up and stopped him. Only then did I realize the whole room went quiet.

 I took a big gulp of lemonade and stuffed it in my cheeks. I spit it all over him. I backed away smirking as everyone laughed or gasped.

 "That, is for everything. Asshole." I laughed. "And this, is for everyone else." I dumped the rest of the lemonade on him and threw the can at his chest. I turned on my heels and walked out of the cafeteria. 

 I was pretty far down the hall when I heard loud footsteps behind me. Someone was running after me. Shit. Ignore them, that's all I have to do.

 Soon a hand was placed on my shoulder and they whipped me around. I shut my eyes, waiting for a punch to the face.

 "Open your eyes." He chuckled. I opened one and saw big, beautiful brown ones. The same pair from last night.

 "Um..." I tried to speak but couldn't.

 "You're her, aren't you? From prom? Please tell me that was you." He shook my shoulders, staring at me eyes full of hope.

 "I uh... Y-Yes that was me." My voice shook and I looked down at the ground.

 "Come with me." He smiled. Before I could protest, he grabbed my hand and started running. 

 "Please, if this is some kind of sick prank, just please let it go. I beg of you, stop th-" Before I could finish. He shut me up, by kissing me. I was surprised, so surprised.

He pulled away and shook his head. "This isn't a prank Jen. I've liked you for the longest time, but never had the guts to talk to you. Then I met this girl, in a beautiful purple dress and her personality matched yours. I had hoped it was you." He smiled. I had realized that we were in an empty classroom.

 "Why me?" Was all I said.

 "Cause you're not like all these fake girls that throw themselves at guys. You're you, and that's enough for me." He smiled and me. I shook my head and grinned. I got on my toes and kissed him. He put his hand on my cheek, deepening the kiss.

Best. Day. Ever.


AGHHHHHHH! I HOPE YOU LIKED IT! I had so much fun writing this!

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Follow my main account, pumpkinjack180! Bye pumpkins!


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