"This day dreaming has to stop, okay?" She answered sharply, allowing no room for argument. It wasn't a day dream but she didn't have to know that.

I sighed, reluctantly nodding. "Sí, I'll try mamá." But honestly, I don't think I could even if I wanted to. Being blind and all, I was basically forced have a wild imagination. Plus, I always wonder about what things looked like so I made up descriptions of everything in my head.

"I'm gonna go on a walk." I announced suddenly, standing up from the kitchen table and feeling along the walls to find the front door. Well I didn't need to find the front door, I knew the layout of my house like the back of my head. I just didn't know if I was going to run into anything or not.

"You didn't even finish breakfast!" My mother chased after me.

"I'm not hungry, ma." I snapped, I didn't mean to really, I just felt suffocated in the house and I just wanted out.

"Wait for papa to come home so he can walk with you."

"I'll be fine by myself." If she stopped me one more time, I know I would explode and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I know she's only worried about me, but I'm seventeen and I would like to leave the house without my parents following me.

I didn't really give her the opportunity to answer because as soon as I got my walking stick and felt the door handle I yanked it open and was out the door.

I closed the door behind me, going down the front steps as quickly as I could without falling.

"It's not going to be a long walk" I said out loud, as if my mother could still hear me . I mean my day was filled with exciting stuff, I had comics to read and games to play. Why would I, of all people, pass that opportunity up?

Before I knew it I was lost in my own thoughts again, questioning the life of flowers this time.

I've always wondered what happens to flower when they die. I mean of course they're dead, but why do they always grow back in the same spot each year? Do they feel like we do? They are living things just like us so I've always wondered. It's a silly thing to wonder about, but these are the kind of questions that tend to pop into my mind when I'm out and about on my daily strolls.

Today was different from other days. For one, I didn't have my annoying parents riding up my ass and asking if I was alright with every step I took. I also did not have my trustworthy seeing eye dog, instead I had to use my untrustworthy seeing eye stick.

It didn't sit if there was a car coming, it didn't bark when something I could hurt myself on was in front of me. No, instead it only touched things a few inches in front of me. It was bothersome.

I sighed and lifted my face up towards the sun, letting the heat wash over down on my face.

I've always enjoyed the sun, it was the strongest color I could see.

I walked slowly down the sidewalk, my walking stick extended out in front of me. When I felt it tap against the fire hydrant I always pass on my walks, I stopped before taking five careful steps forward until I felt the sidewalk dip down slightly. Ah, the dreaded crosswalk we meet again. I hated crossing streets, mainly because I'm slow and people always honk at me and two because cars are very dangerous. They can be silent killers, striking when you least except it.

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