Chapter 19

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Oh shit authors note at the beginning of a chapter. Watch out. Well I got a comment from the wonderful Katty_C about my last chapter. She wants the chapter to be longer. I'll honestly try to make them longer for you guys. I usually write on my phone though and it gets annoying writing on their. So longer updates usually come from my laptop. Alright that it all. ONWARD WITH THE CHAPTER

{Niall's POV}

"Harry my mum wants me home. I should get going" I yawned lifting my head from Harry chest. We've been at his house all day and honestly I'm tired as hell.

"Alright Kitten" Harry yawned back sitting up a bit. I smiled at the nickname and leaned in kissing Harry. It was a simple kiss but it was enough to satisfy us both. I pulled back and stood up.

"OK I gotta go"

"Why don't I at least walk you home. It's dark" Harry said his voice laced with concern.

"Don't worry. I can handle myself" I laughed

"What the point in being a Tiger if they cant defend their Kitten" Harry laughed. I rolled my eyes ignoring Harry's statement and walking over to the steps. I walked up the steps looking down at my phone noticing I had a missed call from Nikki.

I pressed the call back button and walked out of the front door shutting it softly behind me. It rang a few times but Nikki finally answered it.

"Where the hell have you been" she yelled answering the phone

"I was busy Nik. I'm sorry" I laughed walking down the steps. We talked for a bit about how our days had went. I of course left Harry out of it. I don't want to tell anyone unless I talk to Harry about it.

About a mile from my house I had the strange feeling someone was following me. I stopped for a second looking behind me not seeing anyone and sighed. Stupid scary movies. I kept walking and out of no where I was pushed to the ground landing on my chest.

"Look who I found boys" I heard Sean's gruesome voice say making me die inside.

"L-Let me go" I whined under him. His friends crowded around him egging him on and soon just as I had figured he was throwing punches. I tried moving or defending myself in some way but it was no use. I tried yelling for help but that only earned me a hard kick in the stomach knocking the wind out of me. I then got another punch to the face but this one was hard enough to knock me out.

~2 Hours Later~

"Niall" I heard a soft female voice say. I forced my eyes open and saw Nikki leaning over me. I was still laying on the side walk.

"H-How'd you find me" I groaned. Everything hurt. Every fucking bone in me hurt.

"You never hung up the phone. I could hear you screaming. Oh my god Niall you look terrible"

'Thanks" I said trying to sit up but failing at moving.

"I need to call someone. Who should I call? Niall wait no keep your eyes open"

I could feel my eyes shutting again as I got more and more light headed. I forced them open again and reached for my phone which was now laying in the grass. Nikki handed it to me and I had her call my mum. I couldn't call Harry. Nikki would be all confused and then we would have to explain everything to her.

Soon enough my mum was there and helping me into the car. I damn sure wasn't walking anywhere for the night. Once we had made it home Nikki helped me into the house and up to my room.

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