"Just me, Scout, and you bubby," Olivia said bringing the baby from the crook of her elbow to her shoulder. She could smell the new baby smell on him and inhaled it. She loved that smell and felt she took it for granted with Scout.

Sawyer really was a happy baby. He was much easier than Scout thus far, and Tom and Olivia both thought Scout was an easy baby.

The baby began squawking and Olivia began searching for his pacifier. Tom was so proud of his football pacifier. It looked huge on Sawyer's small head. Olivia found the pacifier and placed it in his mouth.

When he was all quiet Olivia heard the pitter patter of her toddler's feet. Scout found her way into her brother's room. She expected Olivia to be in there, since that was where Olivia slept every night since they brought Sawyer home.

Scout leaned against her mother's arm and hugged it. "Good morning my sunshine," Olivia whispered as she leaned over to kiss her daughter's forehead.

"Good morning, momma," Scout whispered. "Is my brother awake?"

"Not yet," Olivia replied. Scout instantly became obsessed with Sawyer when she met him. She loved giving him kisses and holding him (with help from Tom and Olivia of course).

"Where's daddy?" Scout whispered, clearly not remembering Tom kissing her goodbye.

"He is going to Miami to play the Dolphins. He'll be back tomorrow night, baby girl," Olivia said.

"How come we didn't go?" Scout pouted.

"Honey, because baby Sawyer is too little. Maybe next time daddy plays we can go," Olivia persuaded.

"I'm going to walk to Miami," Scout said stomping out of the nursery with her arms crossed. Olivia rolled her eyes at the spunk her daughter possessed so early in the morning. She stood from the rocking chair and walked slowly to Scout's room.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked leaning against the door frame. Scout was in her closet grabbing a ton of clothes to put into her pink suitcase.

"I'm walking to Miami," Scout replied in a crabby tone.

"Don't forget your swimsuit," Olivia said sarcastically causing Scout to glare at her. Olivia checked the clock again it read 8:39. Tom should be landing any minute and calling soon. Olivia and Sawyer made their way around the house locking all of the doors and gates to make sure Scout didn't carry through with her plan.

Olivia's phone began buzzing and she let out a sigh of relief as she could hear Scout's suitcase dragging down the hallway. She swiped to answer and saw Tom's face. "Good morning. How is Miami?"

"It's beautiful. How's Boston?" Tom asked. There were palm trees behind him and Olivia was instantly jealous.

"It's cold. Your daughter is coming to visit you," Olivia said as she turned the camera to face Scout who was still in her pajamas but had sunglasses on. Tom chuckled at the sight.

"Give her the phone."

"Scout, daddy wants to talk to you," Olivia called for her determined daughter. Scout came running towards the phone.

"Hi daddy! I'm coming to Miami," Scout insisted.

"No, you're not baby girl," Tom enforced.

"Yes, I am," Scout tried again.

"No, you're going to stay with mommy," Tom demanded.

"I don't want to stay with mommy," Scout whined. Hurt appeared on Olivia's face.

"Why don't you want to stay with mommy?" Tom asked. His head tilted on the screen and his eyebrows wrinkled together.

"All she does is take care of baby Sawyer and doesn't play with me," Scout pouted. Olivia's eyes welled up again.

"Scout, that wasn't very nice. Mommy needs to take care of baby Sawyer. She did the same thing when you were a baby. When I get home, I'll take care of baby Sawyer and you and mommy can have a girls day. I need to go but you be nice to mommy and I'll call later. I love all three of you," Tom blew them a kiss before disconnecting the FaceTime.

"Mommy, I'm sorry," Scout said turning to her mother and wrapping her chunky arms around her mother's neck.

"It's okay baby. Mommy is sorry too," Olivia apologized kissing Scout's temple.

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