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"I don't know where the damn thing is!" You yell to your Dad from across the aisle.

He had brought you along with him to a hardware store as he was shopping for various tools.

"Well ask someone then!" He yells back, laughing slightly.

Suddenly you go quiet as he had you stuck in a corner, no way were you going to ask someone; Talking to people was not your strong point.

"I'll find it on my own." You mutter, feeling an determined air fall over you.

You scour the shelves of every single aisle looking for this damn solvent, your Dad needed it to clean the walls before he painted them.

As you are looking through the paint section you feel eyes on you and turn to be greeted by a shop assistant stood about five metres away, staring at you.

Uneasily you swallow as you turn back towards the paint. Pretending to be extremely interested in a colour called 'Sunny Yellow', while thinking.

The assistant was a boy who looked about your age, he was also very hot.

You decide to ignore him and carry on searching when you hear your Dad talking to someone.

Relieved you go to the aisle where your Dad is but you stop in your tracks as you see him speaking to the boy. You rear backwards suddenly and trip over some sale signs.

Due to the noise your Dad begins shouting, "Y/N, is that you?!"

Hearing footsteps, you urgently haul yourself up from your position and scamper into the aisle furthest away from your Dad and the boy.

You hide in that aisle for a while, cursing silently under your breath, wondering if it was safe for you to find your Dad yet.

However, your question is answered when you Dad strolls into the aisle, "There you are! It's time to go pay, a nice young man showed me where the solvent was." Your Dad explains, jiggling the solvent in front of your face.

You roll your eyes but also smile as you are glad that this shopping trip from hell is coming to an end.

Blissfully you walk to the tills, not expecting anymore angst in this trip when you lock eyes with your cashier, him.

Do they not have anyone else working in this whole shop?! You think to yourself as your Dad greets the boy and hands him the solvent.

You look at the boys tag to see that his name is Seungkwan and he was even better looking up close. He gives you a small smile as he notices you staring and you blush slightly, casting your eyes elsewhere. Your Dad chuckles as he looks between you two.

His phone begins ringing then and he takes it, as Seungkwan is finishing up your purchase. He takes the solvent in both hands, attempting to place it in a plastic bag, but his hand slips and he drops the solvent. As he does this a slight scream leaves his lips and you laugh audibly to let him know that you had heard him.

He looks away from you embarrassed as your Dad pays and you take the now full bag.

You began to walk away as Seungkwan calls, "Have a nice day!"

Your Dad exclaimes, "Thanks, you too!" and Seungkwan smiles sadly at you as you leave.

Sighing you and your Dad made it to the car and you were about to get in, a bit disappointed that you hadn't spoken to Seungkwan more, when your Dad burst out, "Oh no I forgot the sponges!"

"Seriously?" You ask, furrowing your brow.

"Could you go back and get me some?" He asked sweetly, trying to bat his eye lashes.


"And you might want to talk to that Seungkwan, you know...to find out where they are."

"Sure." You reply, grinning slightly.

You enter the store again, psyching yourself up, you are going to talk to him.

"Excuse me?" You ask, walking back over to the till again.

"Oh, hhi." Seungkwan stutters, clearly surprised to see you again. "Couldn't stay away?" He smirks.

"More like my Dad couldn't stay away. He needs some sponges and he forgot."

"So why didn't he just come himself?" He challenges.

"He's lazy." You reply.

After a few seconds of you staring each other down you add, "So can you show me where they are?"

"Right this way." He instructs.  You follow him to a store cupboard and he enters it as you wait outside, "Could you help me for a second Y/N?" He asks.

You enter the very small store cupboard and Seungkwan turns towards you. You're so close its a struggle not to brush each other; Not that you mind.

"This is cosy." You state and he actually giggles, giggles. You giggle as well as you ask, "Why did you need me in here."

"No reason." He states, reaching for the sponges.

You leave the cupboard and make your way back to the tills, "That'll be one pound eighty."

"No discount?" You ask pouting, "I mean you did make me come into a cupboard with you."

"I'll give you a discount." He states, playing with the sponges. "If you go on a date with me." He finishes, quietly.

You think for a second then look at the boy with the ruffled hair and shaking hands in front of you and reply, "Deal."

He smiles widely as you buy your things and you exchange numbers. "I'll see you soon." He says.

"Yeah." You reply, waving and exiting the shop. You practically skip to your Dads car and get in the passenger seat.

"Get the sponges?" Your Dad asks.

"Yeah." You reply.

"Get the guy?" He asks again. And you exclaim,

"Yes!" Unable to hold back your happiness.

"Well, I just realised I forgot to get some rollers..."

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