The End is Only the Beginning (Chapter 18)

Start from the beginning

"He actually did it..." Ares said in shock.

"He is that powerful...." Athena gasped.

"My son did it." Poseiden said with tears in his eyes.

"Holy...." Zeus stared.

The gods snapped out of their trance and summoned each demigod to Olympus.

They all stood outside the council room, and in the city. They held hands and combined their power to teleport every demigod that remained alive to Olympus. After a burst of light, a large crowd of demigods appeared. While the crowd was quite large, they were all that remained from the Hunters, Camp Jupiter, and Camp Half Blood. Anyone who wasn't there would be presumed dead, especially Percy Jackson.

The crowd shifted in confusion but bowed at the sight of the Olympians.

"Rise. Today Olympus has survived the impossible. You have all been teleported here to gather yourselves and recover so we may rebuild at a later date." Zeus boomed through the crowd.

"Thank you Lord Zeus for saving all of us." A demigod amongst the crowd said.

Zeus shook his head. "While I woud like to tell you all I saved Olympus, I did not. It was Perseus Jackson. He teleported every monster on Earth to somewhere far, far away. He knew he would not make it back, but still did it. We all are in debt, one all of us cannot repay."

The demigods looked in shock, many of Percy's closest friends started to cry. The Roman minor gods and goddesses were also here. Many manly tears were shed amongst the heroes, as well as the girls.

Many of Jack's friends whom have been tricked into thinking Percy was a weakling now know they were wrong. No weakling would willingly sacrifice everything for others who were against him.

Speaking of Jack, he was with Annabeth, who stood alongside the Olympians, acting as if they were part of the council. They received many glares from demigods and some gods alike.

Nico stood in shame. He blamed Percy for Bianca, even though he knew it was not his fault. And because of him, he left. He didnt even visit him when he was out of Tartarus. Nico heard about his return, but was too shy to approach him out of fear.

Thalia and many hunters gathered. While none of them liked men, this man gave everything for them, and their hatred of men cannot deny the fact a man saved them all.

"We will honor Percy Jackson, the true Hero of Olympus, by erecting a statue in his memorial. His first encounter with a monster, the Minotaur, when he defeated it with his bare hands." Zeus stated.

Many nodded their heads, Jack and Annabeth scowled, but stayed shut.

"Hepheastus, would you do the honors?" Zeus asked.

"Yes my lord." Hepheastus replied, as he clapped his hand and a huge block of gold the size of a car appeared. Hepheastus summoned a hammer out of the air and started working. Nobody knew how, but in under 10 seconds, the glob of gold was now a life-like statue of Percy holding the horn of the Minotaur, over his head. He did this with a hammer, somehow.

"Wow, just wow." Apollo whistled.

Hepheastus grinned at his work, as well as the applause given to his work by the crowd.

Soon, the crowd dissapated, going to recover their numbers, as well as heal the wounded. The people who stood at the statue were Percy's closest friends and family. Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Thalia, Artemis, Zeus, Poseiden, Hades, Hera, Hepheastus, Hermes, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hestia and surprisingly, Ares and Athena.

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