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Min Ji's POV

[ one week before BTS's comeback ]

* at BTS music video shooting site *

"Suga, you see that fence with the word 'YOUTH' there? You'll jump over it later on." the director in charge if the music video shooting instructed Yoongi oppa.

He nodded.

Many staff members were present at the MV shooting site, each busy with their own work.

I had nothing to do at the moment, so I whipped out my phone and went on Snapchat.

I walked over to the car that was going to drop in the MV and took a selca right beside it and added it to my story.

Soon, they started filming for the music video. Their seriousness when they work is seriously so admirable. How can they just put away their goofy self and start dancing around in like 0.01 second?

After 5 takes or so, the director called for a break, and the 7 of them just collapsed on the ground next to me, much to the stylist's dislike.

"You are were awesome!!!" I told them as I passed them a bottle of water each.

They just smiled at me, probably too tired to respond.

Just then, I heard a shriek.


I turned my head to the source of the noise and saw three girls running towards us with banners showing '방탄 사랑해'.

They started taking photos of us and screaming again. I was about to leave when one of them said,

"Aren't you the girl who was with Yoongi oppa at the restaurant and the girl at their dorm?"

I was stunned. I had no idea what to do.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! You girls are not allowed here. Get out before we call the guards!" manager oppa came over and chased them away.

I bit my lip in fear.

How did they recognise me?
What is gonna happen next?
Will there be another scandal?


"Do you want to go back first? They may come back in again." Seok Jin oppa asked me, as if he could read my mind.

I nodded my head.

"I'll ask manager hyung to send you back. Give me a moment." he said before going to talk to his manager.

The rest of them looked at me in worry.

"I'm fine." I forced a smile on my lips.

"We'll call you after the shooting is done okay?" Hobi oppa told me.

I nodded my head again.

Manager oppa came back with Seok Jin oppa, so I sat up and got my stuff.

I smiled and waved them goodbye as I left the MV shooting site.

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