Chapter 1 : C

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"So, that will be 5.40$ m'am," I said, punching the numbers into the cash register.

"Here you go," The lady handed me the money and took her order.

"Thank you. Have a nice day, m'am," I smiled as per my usual dialogue. It was a forced one, but I was used to it, so I didn't mind anymore. She nodded her head and walked out. I turned towards my friend to find her leaning against the wall with a pissed off expression.

"The crowd is just too much to bear today. I smell," Melinda sniffed herself and groaned, making a face.

"Eww," I laughed at her. She couldn't handle crowds at all. She would freak out or complain whereas I was more or less accustomed to it. I was good with people but my friend here preferred to stay away from people.

Melinda was my best friend from another mother. We were both seniors and even though we studied in different schools, we were quite close, occasionally helping each other out with college applications or homework.

She was the bolder one while I was more towards the calm and composed side. Since I could handle people well, Melinda made the coffee while I took orders and managed the cash register. Our boss, Ms. Jones was an old lady and she loved us as her own granddaughters. It was a really small café where I worked but we loved it. We were working here since two years and this is where we had become friends. We did the evening shifts due to school while the morning shifts were done by two other ladies. This café was like our second home.

I didn't mind working here. In fact, I enjoyed a lot. It was the best time I spent here. At school, I didn't have much friends and at home, I got bored. My sister used to be my buddy until she moved out. So, the best time I had was here, at this café.

"I don't get it! Why is it so crowded today? God! I just wanna go home and crash," Melinda whined, yawning loudly.

"Mel, chill. Just one more hour and then you are free. It's almost time," I assured her.

"Val, you are my best friend. Can you take over for me just this hour? I promise I will do an extra hour for you tomorrow. Please??" She did a puppy face.

Oh no miss. She wasn't playing that card. Just because I could not say no, she used to do that.

"What? But-"

"Please Valerie. I love you. Please?" She pouted.

"This is not fair," I said firmly.

"Please? Life is not fair and I will forever love you," She folded her hands, begging.

And it was working. I was melting. Damn it. I sighed, making a sour face at her.

"Fine. But just for today," I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

"Thanks a lot! I promise I will cover for you tomorrow," Kissing my cheek, she opened her apron and walked out from the back door within few minutes.

I sat down, blowing a puff of breath out after she left. What to do now?

I opened the TV and started watching a baseball match. People came and went as I did my work diligently without a word, not having too many problems with either the register or the coffee making.

One hour seemed to pass so slowly. Finally, when it was around 10:00 and the café was totally empty, I sighed in relief. The day was finally over. Dragging my feet, I went towards the door and turned the "Open" sign to "Closed".

I took out the broom and started cleaning the place, yawning now and then. Today was indeed a hectic day. The sooner I finished, the sooner I could go home and sleep peacefully. Maybe I would take a shower, have some chips. I also had an english piece to finish for homework tomorrow.

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