The Outsiders; Mitch

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~For the lovely KaydenTurtle! Hope you like it!~

~Mitch's POV~

Every school has it's jocks, nerds, goths, stoners and all the cliques you'd expect in high school. People stay in their group, they don't expand out. No fraternizing with anyone outside of your clique. It's just not done.

 But there's this one 'clique' at our school, if you would even call it a group. They concisest of five people, Tiffany, Delilah, Camryn, Joey and... Audrey. They're different. They would normally belong separately, but they made their own group. There's a book nerd, a gamer, a goth, a classic rocker and a LGBT. They're the 'outsiders' as everyone calls them. 

 As for me, I'm on the varsity volleyball team, so I got put in with the jocks. And I hate it. All the other guys are jerks and pick on those under us, such as the nerds and gamers. I've thought about going to 'The Outsiders' but the other guys would probably kill me.

  I'm not just an asshole that throws shushies in peoples' faces. I like video games, music, books. It's horrible whats' become of this school.

 Remember Audrey that I talked about earlier? One of the reasons I want to switch over there is because of her. To get a chance to talk to her more. I've only ever seen from afar, but she's beautiful. She has a voice like an angel. The way her square glasses that always slip down her nose is adorable. Her blonde hair goes perfectly with her beautiful brown eyes.

 I've been crushing on her since second grade when she fell on top of me. She was running from something and crashed right into me. I fell for her that day, literally too.


Today's the day! I think I finally got the balls to do it! I'm going to sit at their table at lunch, see how it goes from there.

 I didn't buy food, I'm too nervous. Why should I be nervous?! Oh I know! Cause the girl of my dreams it at that table.

 The five of them were talking about something. Audrey's back was to me. I walked up to them and everyone went silent.

 "You going to throw something at us?" Camryn, the goth one asked rudely.

 "No, I came here to talk to you guys." I smiled slightly. Audrey turned around and saw me, she smiled at me. Making the butterflies go away.

 "Not interested." Delilah, the gamer rolled her eyes. Joey, the only guy in the group was looking at me harshly. So was Delilah and Camryn. Tiffany, the book nerd and her nose in a book, probably too shy to say something.

 "Guys, give him a chance." Audrey turned towards them. All of them groaned and continued eating. "Sit." Audrey smiled and patted the seat next to her.

 I started sitting down when I heard Brayden, the captain of the volleyball team yelling at me.

 "Mitch! What are you doing sitting with those losers bro?" He yelled. I rolled my eyes and fully sat down.

 "Fuck off Brayden, I'm sick of your shit." I yelled back. Camryn and Delilah tried to contain a laugh. Tiff giggled in her book, and Audrey choked on her drink spitting it all over Joey.

 "You little rat!" Joey yelled trying not to laugh. The whole table irrupted with laughter, including me.

 "I'm so sorry." Audrey apologized trying to hide her smile.

 "Whatever."Joey laughed it off.

 "So what did you want to talk about?" Audrey turns to me and everyone stares at me waiting for my answer.

 "As you just heard, I'm sick of Brayden's shit. I hate being this stereotypical jock. I like to play sports and play video games. So I was hoping-" Before I could finish, Camryn interrupted.

 "You could hang with us? Ha, not gonna happen." She rolled her eyes.

 "Hey, back off a bit." Audrey smiled and shook her head. "I say we let him sit with us." I smile at her kind words.

 "Me too." Tiffany finally puts her book down and says something.

 "Sure, why not." Joey shrugs.

 "I don't care, as long as he's not a dick to us." Delilah chuckles. All eyes land on Camryn.

 "Ugh, fine whatever." She agrees and a huge grin forms on my face. Time for a change.

~Months Later~

I'm so glad I did that! These guys are my best friends, I don't know how I survived without them.

 I think I'm finally going to ask Audrey out. After school every Thursday, we study in the library just the two of us. I'm on my way there right now, grinning like an idiot.

 When I found her sitting at the table in the very back of the library, she smiled at me.

 "Hey." I whispered and sat next to her. She gave me a confused look cause I normally sit across from her.

 "Um, hey." She looked back at her homework and sighed. "Mr. Bryce gave us so much homework it's not fair." She pouts and I chuckle.

 "Can I ask you something?" I ask.

 "Sure, anything to take me away from World War Two." She giggled and leaned back in her chair.

 "What are you doing Saturday night?" I ask, I'm getting nervous, crap.

 "Nothing why?"

 "What to go to a movie?" I ask worried as hell.

 "Yeah sure. Wait... Like, like a date?" She asks as her cheeks turn pink.

 "Yeah..." I scratch the back of my neck. She smiles widely and quickly wraps her arm around me neck in a hug.

 "I'd love to." I let out a sigh of relief and I hugged her back. 

I can't wait for Saturday.


I hope you liked it Audrey! 

Follow my main account! pumpkinjack180

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I love you pumpkins! Bye!


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