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Delilah had always been afraid of heights, it was the thought of not being safely on the ground that scared her the most. Not that she was any safer on the ground.

She generally avoided anything to do with heights, unless she had a harness or anything that could give her a false sense if security the n she would never participated.

She had always imagined what it would be like to fall off a building, for one she thought she would scream to her lungs were raw, she also would have cried her eyes out.

Yet as she was pummelling to the ground from the bridge, she didn't imagine that it would take as slow as it did. It was like time froze and she was weightless - a feeling she quite enjoyed. And instead of screaming, she was silent as the air around her.

She could faintly hear someone cry her name and the sound of people rushing but all Delilah concentrated was the serene feeling she got as she inevitably fell to her death.

She didn't see her life flash before her eyes or something as cliche as that but she did feel a hollow feeling.

She still hasn't called her parents yet.

She would miss everyone; Simon, Her parents, Clary, Jace.


Just as Delilah had that thought, her body connected with a hard surface, although it was most definitely not the ground.

"It's alright I've got you," the voice of Jace flowed into her ear. "Just calm down Delilah, you're alright. I'm here."

It was then that Delilah was shaking and tears were leaking from her eyes, she was probably in shock.

"J-Jace." Delilah's voice shook.

"It's okay, I'm here." He repeated as he slightly rocked her.

"You caught me?" She whispered into his chest as she clutched onto his t-shirt.

"I wouldn't let you fall. I wouldn't let anything happen to you,"

At that thought Delilah realised that one; she had almost died and Jace saved her and two; Simon was still with the Vampires.

"Where's Simon?" Delilah rose her head and looked around.

"He's gone Dee," Clary spoke from beside Jace.

Pushing herself away from Jace, Delilah scrambled to a standing position.

"We have to go and get him!" She shouted as she ran her hands through her hair. "He's probably scared to death right now and surrounded by vampires who want to eat him! Oh god, poor Simon." Delilah's voice wavered as she paced backwards and forwards.

"It's all my fault I should've done something!" Delilah continued to rant as she chewed on her thumb, turning towards Clary she let another tear fall.

"Delilah stop," Jace grabbed onto her shoulders. "Everything will be fine, trust me."

Delilah didn't know why she believed Jace's statement. She was usually never trusted anyway, let alone a stranger, but as she stared into his eyes filled with sincerity she knew that he was telling the truth.

"Okay," her lip wobbled as she nodded her head.

"Izzy, take her." Delilah lead her over to Izzy who wasted no time in bringing her into her arms.

"I was so worried," Izzy whispered into her hair as the slightly shorter blonde nuzzled into her neck.

"So was I." Delilah whispered back.

Enticement | Isabelle Lightwood 🔅Where stories live. Discover now