Dear Ian,
I still haven't gotten a letter from you, but I guess you just haven't been able to send one yet. They would have sent me a telegram if you were sick, wouldn't they? I know you will get mad at me, but I can't help worrying. You'd do the same if you didn't get a letter from me for a while.
It's getting colder here. You said that would happen once October went. Sure enough, I had to start putting on a heavy sweater under my coat. I wish I could put on your long johns, but if Queen Lil got a look at them under my uniform she'd have a fit. Wouldn't it be funny if a big gust of wind came along and lifted up my skirt right on the street? It wouldn't be funny when it was happening, but I could get a good laugh out of it after.
I went up to see Mum on Sunday. I didn't have anything to take with me since the flower beds are all gone and I can't steal from them, but I did take a flask with some tea in it and pretended she and I were just having a sip together. I think she would have liked that more than flowers on her grave. Next time, I'll take up some Scotch cakes to nibble on. Those were her favourite, remember?
We might be visiting Charlie at the cemetery if he keeps it up. I won't tell you the word he came out with the other day, but you'd have clunked him on the head if he said in front of you, even if you have said it a time or two yourself. One of these days I'm going to tell him he can't go see John or the twins on a school night and he's going to go anyway. Then, look out!
Harmon Greaves is back and stopped in to check on us. I never would have recognized him if it wasn't for that red hair and those freckles. He's gotten so skinny. He's going to the States to get work and is taking his brother and sister with him. He says to say hello, and that he'll let you know about the work he can get.
I miss you. I'll try and send candy or some of my magazines when I can. I have a few that have the full story. I know that you don't like reading serials until they're all done and you can read them at once. I really hope I get a letter from you soon.

Shadows May Fall
Historical FictionWinter, 1917. Dorothy never really thought that war would take her older brother, but like so many others before him, Ian enlisted and departed Canada in khaki, leaving Dorothy to care for the youngest Gaston, Charlie. The return of her employer's s...