Now not then

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Yawnnnnn I woke up and got ready for school then went down to eat my mom was all like what do u want for your sixteenth birthday . Um mom surprise me, as I was leaving the the house stuck my head back in and yelled get ice cream cake.
While I was walking to school everyone was staring at me I kept on thinking do I have something on my face  so I kept rubbing my face looking very very weird  so I turned and went down a new hall way the bell rang everyone went in there class I dident know what class was mine so I was lost, I was the only one in the hallway when I was walking the lights started flickering and each one turned off I saw something at the end off the hallway I ran the other way a guy walked out in front of me he said u need to come with me. We ran down the hall way I tolled him to take me home when we where in the car he was already sixteen so he could drive  he wouldn't tak me home I asked why he said your mom tolled me to keep u safe there's something in your house. He drove us to a hotel I sighed out my own room he got a room a crossed the hall he knocked on my door  I let him in he sat on my bed  he said that befor the car crash  there  where these things after u talking your family one by one you all where listed with a number your seventeen so if you start seeing stuff it means there coming. I just said ok I was a little freaked out so I said I'm going to bed u should go back to your room I replied. Well if u need help just scream he laughed a little bye, bye I got cosy in my bed a fell a sleep

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