I woke up the next morning with a headache. Figures. Not remembering what day it was, I sat up to see presents at the end of my bed.
"Oh my god, it's Christmas!" I hissed under my breath. My eyes went wide, and I gulped a frog down my throat. Oh crap..
"Merry Christmas!" Hermione said, and attacked me with a hug. I slightly smiled, and my horrored face came back.
"Whats wrong?" Ginny asked me, seeing my expression. I hid my face in my hands, and Hermione sat by me on the bed. I couldn't tell them I didn't get them any Christmas presents! That would be like, cruel!
"Umm.." I started. They both looked at me, so I tried to say it quickly. "Ididngeyouguyanypresens..." They both looked at me like I was an alien from Mars. "I didn't get you guys any presents.."
"That's fine! We can jut make a trip to Diagon Alley later today. We were planning on going anyway." Hermione explained.
"Are you sure thats fine? I feel super bad about it!" I complained. Hermione nodded her head, and turned back to the pile of gifts.
"Come on, time to open your presents!" She smiled, and started attacking the pile. I gave my attention back on my own pile and tore through the presents.
I got some cauldron cakes from Mrs. Weasley, and a knitted scarf; a container of Puking Pastiles from Fred and George; A bunch of colored liquid in a weird shaped vial from Hermione-- "It's nail polish!"-- she told me; a box of candy from Ron, and some more candy from Ginny.
I looked all over for my present from Harry. There wasn't any presents from him. Maybe he had forgot to buy presents, like me?
"Lexa, look what Harry got me!" Hermione squealed. She showed me brand new potion vials, clear and shiny. I just smiled, and turned back to my stuff. "What did he get you?"
"Nothing," I told her. I wasn't smiling anymore.
"Oh.." She whispered. "Well come on, I bet everybody's waiting for us," Hermione said, and dragged Ginny and me downstairs. Everybody was seated at the table, except for Ron and Harry. They weren't there?
I sat in a empty seat, next to Hermione and an empty chair. Mrs. Weasley said hello to us, and we thanked her for the gifts.
"Sorry Mum, we woke up late." Ron and Harry quickly walked down the stairs.
"Breakfast is started, grab a chair and eat up quick. We have a big day today!" Mrs. Weasley told them. Harry sat in the chair next to me, and started putting food on his plate.
"No christmas presents?" Harry whispered to me.
"I didn't even have any time to think about getting them.." I said quietly. I chewed on some eggs, and then turned to him. "You never even got me a present."
"I was going to give it to you later!" He hissed, and smiled.
"Fine then."
I had finally finished shopping for everybody, then I gave them their presents. Hermione was outraged when I gave Ron a love potion, and told him to 'use it wisely'. Fred and George seemed to think they needed to be friendly, and handed me a bunch of stuff from the shelves. When I asked them how much they wanted for it, they laughed.
Harry and I were outside, sitting on a bench in Diagon Alley. It was snowing, with light fluffy flakes that melted as soon as they hit my face. Harry and I were huddled up, trying to keep warm.
"It's really pretty," I said.
"The snow?" I nodded, and smiled. Harry chuckled, and held his hand out for me to hold. I grabbed his hand, and played with his fingers as we stared up at the sky. We sat in silence for several minutes, daring not to move an inch.
"Okay.." Harry began breaking the silence "I had no idea what to get you, so I went and asked Hermione-"
"Shocker." A smile played on my face.
"-and she gave me some ideas on what you might have liked. And when I found it, the color reminded me of your eyes.." He stared deep into my eyes, pulled out a velvet case, and opened it up to reveal a necklace with a single emerald jewel hanging from it. My eyes widened as I saw the necklace, and I gasped and took the case from Harry. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him to death.
"You shouldn't have!" I kissed him on the cheek, then pulled his present out of my bag. I put the fresh brown-hide quidditch gloves in his hand. I smiled when he saw them. "I figured you needed a new pair anyways. Yours are falling apart."
"Thank you!" he exclaimed and engulfed me in a hug. We looked at each other after he let me go, and we were both smiling like two crazy kids in love.

Life of a Malfoy
FanfictionAlexandria Malfoy is almost sure she knows exactly who she is when she steps onto the Hogwarts express with her twin brother, Draco. But when she steps off with Harry Potter, her world turns upside down. She tries to break the Slytherin Princess st...