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31: Colouring your hair

When getting your hair coloured don't wear make up or plaster your self in it. Your hairdresser/stylist will want to see your skin/ natural look to help with colouring your hair.


32: Unfinished lips

I know quite a lot of people like this look but it may not be for you. Do your lipstick etc... Then get a tissue and smudge your lipstick a bit and take a bit of it off. It will give a unfinished look


33: Spots

If you have any spots or insect bites dab on toothpaste to heal them


34: Talcum powder

Brush talcum powder through your hair. This freshens it up


35: Avoiding Wrinkles

To avoids wrinkles sleep on your back.


36: Nail tips

Want your nail tips to be white? Well... Just rub on some lemon juice on the end


37: Acne

Massage a ice-cube over your face. This reduces wrinkles and acne


38: Reverse hair dye

To reverse hair dye rub on tomato ketchup. Simple!


39: Pout

Add peppermint oil to your lipgloss. This will enhance your pout.


40: Water

Make sure you drink 2 litres of bottled water everyday


41: Cucumber

An old remedy is to put on fresh cucumber on your eyes. Very relaxing and it freshens them up.


42: Make-up tools

Make sure you clean all your make-up tools


43: Add mascara

If you are wearing fake eyelashes add on mascara this will look more blended in with your natural ones.


44: Be direct

When getting your hair done tel your stylist EXACTLY what you want. Bring photos from mags and pictures to show what you like.


45: Brows

Tweeze in the direction your hair grows. So when the hair grows back it will look good.


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46-60 Coming soon

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