Oh No They're Hot

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[[ This story isnt complete but here's what you can expect! ]]

Dave frowned slightly folding his arms watching Karkat awkwardly introduce Bro to whatever the fuck his dad's name was. Seriously? There were some alien douchbags needing to be slayin, no time for middle school introductions.

Reader? Be Signless

Fuck . . . Your sons friend's 'Bro' is more than just okay too look at. You hardly hear what karkat's saying as he talks to bro only looking at you over his shoulder. Scrunching up your nose slightly you think about what to do after this awkward introduction? I still had dishes to do, oh ew laundry . . . Oh shit he's done talking! You nod as the boys run out shouting and cursing as they go

"Soooo, you're karkat's Dad? Nice to meet the guy who watches Dave time from time" he said his face blank and his sunglasses shimmering, you laugh a bit and nod your head already feeling your awkwardness sink into the conversation.

Yeah better leave before you fuck up big time

Reader? Be Bro

You let out a small sigh through your nose, man did karkat luck out when getting dads. This guy must of been what? early 30's late 20's?

"You wanna fool around?" you ask not breaking your anime poker face, a strider never breaks their poker face

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