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I was retagged AGAIN to do the thing in the last chapter but this would be the third time so third favorites now

I was retagged AGAIN to do the thing in the last chapter but this would be the third time so third favorites now

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1. Non-Stop by Original Hamilton cast and also I'm gonna say Defying Gravity by Idina Menzel and What is This Feeling by Kristen Chenowith and Idina Menzel ya I did three songs deal wit it😎

2. Swimming

3. Megan and Liz ya I know it's not technically I band do I look like I care?😎

4. Girl Meets World

5. The Maze Runner/The Scorch Trials

6. Pink/purple

7. Lasagna

8. Pepsi

9. Minecraft

And I tag


Only one because everyone else I've already tagged for dis

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