Chapter One

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× Ariana ×

I looked at tweet in my phone, a smirk growing on my face. Justin didn't know what he was up for and my-our-fans won't see what's coming next.

The plan was: Not to do the expected. Which is, don't follow the fans' words.

It's kind of easy though, Justin was-is-my best friend and imagining him as... a boyfriend, didn't have... I don't know how to put it.

Today, Justin and I decided to go out for a little to discuss our deal. I'm not sure it would be good considering our fans just went on Twitter, demanding Jariana to happen. It was a good ship name though. Not going to lie.

My phone vibrated, showing a message from Justin. I reluctantly opened it.

JB: meet u there

It took me a few seconds just to grab my sweater and head out to see Justin. I'm not excited nor am I happy to see him. I just want to discuss about the deal and that's all.

Paparazzi would probably look forward to see us together (walking), and put something about us dating. I'm not really fine with that, but Justin really hates it. For him, he just wants to be normal and feel normal. Sometimes, I truly feel sorry for him. I mean, he started when he was such a young age.

I shook my heads off from my thoughts of fame and paparazzi, getting ready to meet Justin.

| ♪ No Hard Feelings ♪ |

Justin and I entered Starbucks. Honestly, I preferred Grande. You see what I did there?

"I listened to your album." Justin said.

"And?" I inquired, ordering my drink.

"It's awesome." He complimented, taking a sip from his latte.

We walked out of the cafe without any fans. Honestly, I feel kind of bummed because some real fans would've taken the chance to meet us. I'm not gonna lie, but Justin wants his fans to be around him and support him all the time.

The reason why I know a lot about him is because he tells me these things. Either on the phone or like now. We're very close friends, but there are times where management ruins it all.

"How's the Purpose tour lately?" I asked, eager to know how's he been doing since the Jelena problems.

"Good," he replied. "You know, fans are being so supportive, but there are times that they rather just pull out their phones instead of talk."

"It's unbelievable, that's why. The Justin Drew Bieber in front of them. If I were them, I'd feel all over to make sure you actually are real."

"Feel all over me." Justin teased, winking.

"Shut up." I laughed, shoving him away.

For a second, I almost dropped my drink.

"I hate you." I joked.

"Oh, come on. Everyone loves me." Justin laughed.

I shook my head. At that moment, I could feel my phone vibrating in my purse, but I decide to ignore it. It's probably notifications from Twitter, Insta, or any other social medias.

Justin seemed to have those vibrating too, but he didn't feel up to it.

We walked for a few minutes before spotting a shop full of funky clothing.

"Let's go there!" I squealed, pulling Justin's arms.

"Fine." He sighed, following behind me.

I threw my drink in a bin nearby while Justin threw his too. The doors of the clothing store jingled, causing a worker to walk toward us.

She looked like a fan once her face lit up from Justin and I.

"Oh, my GOD!" She screamed. "You're Justin and Ariana!"

"Yeah, we are." Justin joked.

I nudged Justin.

"Can I have an autograph on my shirt? I'm both Belieber and Arinator." The girl said, her blue eyes twinkling.

"Sure, why not?" I said kindly.

Justin already had a sharpie in hand, he's mostly prepared, and wrote on the girl's shirt-there were no uniforms, just a tag. I grabbed the marker, also writing on her shirt.

"Do you want a picture?" I decide to ask.

"No, it's okay." she replied. Justin had a shock expression worn on his face as she said that. "Meeting you guys and having to talk to you is everything I've ever dreamed of. Pictures are just pictures."

"That's sweet," Justin complimented. "I want to see more fans like you."

Justin embraced her with a tight hug, making me smile. I went after him.

"Thank you, so much." The girl said.

"What's your name?" I asked.


"That's a beautiful name." Justin said, smiling, showing his dimples. I expected Trina to faint and die for the smile, but instead, she smiled back.

"So, what would you guys like to buy?" she asked politely.

I glanced around the room, spotting a polka dot onesie.

I pointed. "I'm going to be checking those out."

I walked there, Justin catching up to me. I decided on the one that I'd match in, taking out from it's hanger.

"Hey, Ariana." Justin said. I turned to look at him, bursting into laughter.

Justin wore a mickey mouse hat, making a goofy face. I shook my head, grabbing out my phone and snapping a picture of him.

"You're so weird." I muttered, grabbing a polka dot bow.

I called Trina over, telling her I'd be buying this.

Justin was at the counter, leaning, waiting for me to finish paying.

"Where's the hat?" I questioned.

"Oh, I put it away," he shrugged. Soon, a group of girls from outside the shop saw him.

He was surrounded, me whispering to Trina to get the hat for me. She immediately nodded.

Once Justin and I finished taking pictures and signing autographs, we walked out of the shop. I had dressed in my onesie, then remembered about the hat.

I fished for the hat in my bag, putting it on top of Justin's head.

"What?" he said, laughing. "You didn't need to get it, you know."

"But you look cute with it." I said, smiling.

"Please," he bragged, rolling his eyes, "I'm always cute."

"Yeah, right." I said sarcastically.

"So..." he trailed off, shoving his hand in his front pockets. "About the deal."

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