Chapter Three - Seeing him

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I saw a speed camera flash but I just didn't care I wanted to get home to find out what was going on. I reached the house to find a wave of press but I drove straight past them and opened the gates I saw Joe's parents car on the drive I parked up and stormed in through the door my kids were lined up near the front door with small bags packed next to them they looked like children who were being evacuated during the war!.

I saw Joe's mum and she gave me a wry smile "Joe wanted me to come and get the kids and I think they need to be away from this house for a while"

I was shocked and I could feel myself getting angry who was she to tell me what I should do with my kids but I didn't want to blurt out in front of them so I just agreed. Me and Joe didn't even look at each other till his mum had left, as soon as the door was closed it started.

He crashed into me and hugged me "Don't believe it"

I don't know where my strength had come from but I managed to push him off me and he stumbled. "Get the fuck off me!" He looked so hurt "explain to me Joe! Who is she?"

"I don't know her" he said grabbing my arm.

"Please say your been honest! I've only ever been with you and you've only ever been with me, I'd hate to think of you touching, kissing having sex with someone else!" I cried

"No I haven't, I promise, I love you, she's just a lunatic who wants money"

"And ruin my life in the process" I scream.

"Babe! Just calm down, it's you ... always has and always will be" he hugged me

"How can I know for sure! How can I trust you?" I cried.

"You can't know, you just have to trust me I can only give you my word, it's me I would never do this to you after all this time, but if I understand if that's not enough" he said grabbing me close so I could hear his frantic heartbeat. I've never seen him so scared, I knew he didn't want to lose me.

"I do believe you" I whispered "But I still think we need to be apart while all the news calms down, it will only be a couple of days there'll be some other slut in the news by then"

We headed upstairs when we got in our room we both stood there waiting for the other to make the first move.

"What you doing?" I asked

"Well I was going to help you pack"

"What?!" I gasped "you're the one leaving"

"This is my house" he bellowed

I stood there still "you what?!"

"It's my wages that bought this place" I couldn't believed that he was throwing this in my face.

"So what?! You may be the bigger earner at the moment but it's not like I don't bring in a good wage you know I could put this house in my name and afford it if I wanted to, we just share money, we just pay whatever whenever we don't argue about it!! We just take it in turns for the mortgage and bills just you put more in when things were running dry for me and I don't know maybe I had to stop working because I was having your son!" I Cried "And the kids will want to come home wont they, and you won't have the time to look after them when your at training everyday"

"I guess so!" He sighed "I'll leave and go stay with my mum, the kids were upset when they had to leave so i'll see if they are okay"

I sighed, I had to be honest "I don't want you to leave" of course I was mad but still ... it was Joe.

We sat down on the bed, and we must of talked all night even if we did stop to eat a takeaway its okay I was upset. We talked about everything about every aspect of our whole 10 year relationship we discussed all the ups and the downs, but we found that nothing had made me question our relationship like this. But I couldn't throw it away because what this women was saying could be a whole load of crap. Well it had to be a load of crap! Joe told me it was and I believed him.

I was tired after our little all nighter not even in a good all nighter way! but Joe said that he would get us breakfast and I agreed to go pick up the kids up from his parents. When I got there his parents avoided the awkward questions but I told them that we were okay and we just wanted the kids back at home with us. On the ride back home the girls didn't stop talking about how they had watched films all night and made cookies and eaten them all in one go.

"Wow, that's great girls" I smiled even though I was so tired, They still continued to chatter away.

"And then, Auntie Chloe said she would take us to her house when you and Daddy shout at each other again, and she has a dog, he's so cute" Lola muttered excitedly.

"Yeah he's a cute dog" Charlie agreed "I want a dog"

"Yeah a dog" Lola screamed

"Excuse me! Why did auntie Chloe say that? We love you guys we don't shout at each other" I said feeling embarrassed that my children could even see the problems we we're having.

"I know mum! If you love us can we have a dog then?" Charlie quizzed, and TJ clapped at the same time and laughed.

"See even TJ wants one!" Lola shouted.

"Ask your dad" I said as we reached the gates.

I walked into the kitchen and the breakfast bar was full, I saw a couple of Starbucks cups and Starbucks muffins, fruit, cakes and pancakes to eat it all looked so nice and there was two big fruit smoothies for the girls, I cut up some fruit for TJ to eat while we sat at the breakfast bar. I told Joe about what his sister had said. It had upset me a little but Joe told me to forget about it. I knew it wouldn't take long for them to bring it up ... But I knew they would and I had to laugh.

"Dad!" Lola started "Can we have a dog?"

Joe's eyes had panic in them and they darted to me, I just continued looking at the table and smirking.

"Erm ... Erm, you'll have to ask your mum" he said

"They already have" I butted in "and I said you had the final say"

"Oh ... Go on then!" He gave in, he always does to the girls when they smile at him.

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