{2} The Devil That I Met On The Internet

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The Devil That I Met On The Internet (2) First day, new best friend, lots of drama.

I slowly forced my eyelids to open due to the hearing the annoying and unmistakable sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and shoved the clock against the wall. Still keeps beeping. Getting more and more annoyed with that piece of shit I threw it across my bedroom until it hit the wall and smashed into million little pieces. Whoops... Oh well I got hundreds more of those little evil devices.

Sorry I'm in such a bitchy mood. I couldn't sleep all night because of that devil. He kept showing up in my fucking dreams! And like the devil himself he turned them into horror and thriller nightmares. Oh well getting him back won't help by lying here in bed at 6 am and complaining at that.

I got up at 6 am because I need to find an outfit that will make that L-Devil regret what he did to me and that slut will never know what hit her. Come to think of it I don't know her name still. Oh hell, I don't care. Screw that. Oh and also I need to think out my revenge plan.

I finally stood up from my bed and walked to my bathroom. I stripped out of my white tank top with green and yellow shorts and went into the shower. I shampooed my hair, rinsed it, washed myself with some strawberry and kiwi shower gel and I didn't forget to use the conditioner too.

I wrapped a towel around me and went into my walk-in closet. I put on the underwear stuff then I picked out a light pink Laguna tee shirt that hugged me and showed my curves, some jeans, and some light pink converse. I still didn't buy shorts, I'm gonna buy a few after school. I added a short jean jacket and walked over to my mirror. He will die. But if I had some shorts they would've gone better with this. Oh wells. Shorts tomorrow.

I brushed my hair, straitened it and made a side pony tail that falls on my right shoulder. He will definately die of regret.


*Hour Later*

Okay, I've officially wasted my hour, I don't know how to get the devil back... I'm gonna need another head, in translation two heads are better in one. I need to make some friends, or better a friend. Best friend that I can trust. Yeah!

I stood up from my bed again, hey! I like to lie on it's comfy and warm surface. Took my book bag and went downstairs. I took out a random cereal and poured milk in a bowl. I started eating and after I was finished I put it in the sink.

I checked the watch on the kitchen wall. 7:38. I don't live far away from my new school so I don't need to rush in walking.

I walked out of my house on my porch and locked the door after closing it.


*After a few minutes of walking*

Here I am. Standing in front of my new and very soon to be hell hole for, probably, the rest of my high school life. George River High. I hate the "River" part in it cause it makes me remember L-Devil. Yes that's what I'm calling him. He doesn't deserve to be called his real name in my book.

I sighed. Now or never. Right. I pick never. ha-ha. How pathetic am I? Laughing at my own joke. I must be insane. I mentally slapped myself. Stop talking to yourself and just walk in that stupid hell hole already! I yelled at myself.

I walked in the school and just like in the Starbucks shop everyone's eyes were on me again. Great! I hereby officially declare that: Life sucks.

Some of the people I remembered from the shop. Oh wells. I'll let that slide for right now. I put on an emotionless face and walked past all the "death glares" and the eye fucking to the office.

I walked in to see a forty-something woman secretary sitting behind the desk eating donuts. I mean I get that it's a boring job sometimes, but c'mon! Donuts? Don't get me wrong, but I'd get if she's on a break or something... or she probably forgot to eat breakfast, but in the morning when students are showing up, not to mention new students like me. First impression girl! Oh and how do I know it wasn't her breakfast. I don't, it's just a guess. I'm not Sherlock Holmes and I don't live on Baker Street either. (Hooray for Sherlock Holmes's house!~ lol o.o)

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