Romero - highlights

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"Izzy," he whispered in her ear.


"I want you, baby."

"I want you too," she said immediately.

That was all he needed to hear. He lifted heroff the counter and walked the few steps to his bed in his front room.


He didn't want to ruin the moment or the night, but he'd never been one to hold back saying or asking about something the instant he wanted to, and he'd held this off this long.

He lifted himself onto his elbow and leaned into her. "Who made you laugh earlier, Izzy?" He kissed her eyebrow when it questioned him. "The text you got in the car?"

Up until that moment in the car, he hadn't put much thought into the possibility that Isabel might have other guys in her life—a thought that now had him grinding his teeth.


Romero leaned against the sofa directly in front of the bed, staring at her. "How come you told your sister you were home?"

She took another slow drink to give herself a moment to think. "I dunno. I told you how she is. I figured it was the fastest way to get her off the phone."

"What does she think about you and me?"

She felt her eyes open wider, and she pressed her lips together.

He chuckled, but she could see it was forced. "You haven't told her. What's the matter, Izzy? Afraid big sis won't approve?"


She felt like such a spineless coward. "Okay, I'll be there."

Isabel had forgotten all about the date her sister had set up with her husband's friend.

Thankfully, Romero was booked that evening,working.Shecould knock this out and get her sister off her back without having to get intoit about Romero just yet.


 Themachine went off just as Isabel came out of the room.

"Isabel, this is Michael. I just wanted to tell you I had a fantastic time with you Friday night ..."

Isabel took a step toward the machine, but stopped when Romero stepped in front of her. The heat inside him was the kind that made him do things he never wanted Isabel to be witness to. He swallowed hard, trying to understand what he was hearing. She'd said she was with her sister Friday night. He listened as the message went on.

"... I'll be here a little longer than I thought, so I was hoping I could see you again before I leave ..."

He couldn't take his eyes off Isabel, feeling his heart beat pick up with every word the fucker on the machine said.

"... I hope we can make this happen." He left his number for her then hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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