Chapter 1

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I don't really know why I'm here. I mean I live here so it's not like I had much of an option, but still. Normally when my sister decides to throw this parties I just stay in my room or go to Harry's house. But I was thristy so I thought coming down stairs and grabbing a glace of water wouldnt be a problem. I was wrong.

All of the sudden I get mixed in with a bunch of people and there's not much I can do. I start to get nervous and feel like I'm going to faint. I dont really like to be around too many people in small places, specially when those people are drunk and sweaty.

When I end up being caught up between two guys dancing I feel a hand on my sholder and turn around to see who it is. When I do so my eyes meet the most beautiful person I've ever seen. A tall man, with hazel eyes and a black quiff. He has the most amazing jawline and this really unhuman long eyelishes, with a small beard. He's not proper muscular but still quite fit and from what his shirt shows he has his arms and hands filled with tattoos, making me wonder how many more there is in the rest of his body.

When I realise I've been staring for a while I shake my head  and look at the stunning stranger. " I'm sorry, do you want something?" I ask him, mentally slapping myself for being so weird when talking to strangers.

I thought he would get a bit angry because, to be honest, I sounded a bit rude but he just gives me a small smile, more similar to a smirk actually, and helps me getting away from those two guys. " I was looking at you from across the room and saw how awkward and shy you looked. Then you started to get really unconfortable so I decided to give you a hand. I'm Zayn by the way"

" Oh thank you, I was actually about to beg for help" I awnser and he gives a quick laugh, which I do also. " And I'm Liam." At this point we're both sitting in the kitchen conter and he grabs a beer for himself, offering me one which I refuse. " Liam? You're Rita's sister right? Aren't you like 15 or something? " he says looking quite upset for some reason " What are you doing in here? " he continues. I get a bit angry because there's nothing weird in me being in my house

" This is my house too, I can be here if I want!" I respond getting up from the conter. " Hey dont get angry little guy it's alright!" " I'm not a little guy, Zayn. I'm 17 actually"

" And you think that's an adult? You're still a child! " he says to me making me even angrier, I mean yes I'm under age but I'm not a child. " I'm not!" I almost scream, getting really angry at him " How old are you anyway?" he starts laughing, getting up from the conter too and it's really pissing me off. He then says he's 25 and just taps my head and leaves...just like that.

2 hours latter

I was finally able to come to my room a hour ago. The party is still going downstairs and I'm just laying in my bed trying to get some sleep, but the loud music isn't helping. Also, I can't get my  thoughts away from Zayn, the guy I met downstars. He was an asshole but a hot asshole which isnt fair. Also, he's like 7 or 8 years older which is also really annoying, he would never have anything with me. Not that I want him to though.

While I'm still caught in this thoughts my door opens and when I was about the yell thinking it was some idiots trying to hook up or something I look at the door and see him, Zayn.

" Oh sorry thought this was the bathroom or something. Actually was just trying to go the somewhere private, the party sucks but my ride home is having fun with a girl and...anyway I'll leave you alone" he rushes out, about to leave and before he goes, for some reason I call his name. When he looks back I say " You can stay here with me if you want"


Well hello again! Idk if you remember me but here I am. In case you dont know I was writing this other story months ago but I wasnt enjoying much so I ended up deleting it and stuff. I've decided to go back to writing now and I'm really exicited about it.

But please give feedback, like and comment so I can keep this excitement. Also, this chapter was small bc its the first one, it will be bigger from now on.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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