"Alright can you call the royal doctors." I asked as I was being layed down on my bed. He look to be ignoring my request.

Raphael reached to the top of my black leather jumpsuit. Before I knew what he was doing. He rip it open. He literally ripped it open.

No guy has never seen me in a bra or panties. I could feel his hot gaze on my breast. Like these bad girls literally came bouncing out.

The look in his eyes was nothing but desire. Oh shit werewolf men are known to be very hard to calm down once his mate turns him on. He ripped the jump more. Oh I see what he was doing. He was basically wanted to see how bad the injury was.

"Shit it is deep." I said looking down. The one of the Fallen creature that I was fighting literally clawed the side one my ribs.

"It is going to need stiches." Says Raphael.

As a royal werewolf female. Well I guess we are not werewolf since the werewolf gene gets replaced by a power. We do not tend to heal faster than the actual werewolves. We are a little more slower. It this was Raphael it would have healed in seconds. Well mine would take about three to four days to heal completely.

"Is there a woman doctor?" Ask Raphael.

I nodded.

"Good I would not allow another male that is not me to see what is only meant for me to be seen." He says in a possessive tone.

"That's nice." I said laying down on the bed. Not caring I felt really sleepy.

"Aphrodite?" Ask Raphael. "Are you okay."

I started to see vibrant colors,trees,. The sun started to shine through the trees. Raphael was no longer there.

"Aphrodite?" I turned around you were the voice it was Bellin. I gasped. This cannot be real. Bellin is dead. Did something happen.

"What is going on." I asked.

She smiled softly. "I could be asking the same question."

"Is this paradise."

Bellin look around.

"You could say that." She says. I reached out to hug her.

"I am so sorry." I pleaded. It was my fault that she died. I could have secured the castle more. I could have done something about it that could have prevented her death.

"It is okay." She says. "I am happy."

"Your mate is suffering." I said.

"Oh I know... how is the war going?" Ask Bellin. She changed the subject real quick.

"Not so great." I said. "Rage is brewing."

"I have to tell you something before you leave." She says.

"What do you mean. "

I am leaving already. We are barley had a conversation.

"Violent delights tend to have violent ends."


The colors started to disolve around me. Everything was disolving.

"Aphrodite." I heard a echo. Someone was calling my name. I opened my eyes slowly. There was a worried Raphael and Monica standing there.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"Well we stiched up your wound and gave you gave antidote for the poison that was infecting your wounds." Says Monica.

"I was poisoned?"

"Yes why you passed out." Says Raphael worried.

"So that means that everybody else might be poisoned to since I am pretty sure every got scarched by one of those devil creatures." I said.

Monica shook her head.

"No Aphrodite that's not how this type of poison works." She says. "This poison is enchanted by a witch witch mean that this poison was meant for you."

Of course The fallen leader Jasper would never play by the rules. He was trying to poison me so that the whole castle would fall apart.

"Of course it take a witch as good as myself to get rid of it." Says Monica. Monica is one of the most powerful witches in this world. "Well now that you are recovering I am going to my tower." Monica just walk out to room.

Raphael looked at me. He helps me sit up. I wince at the pain.

"I told you not to fight." He whispers.

I looked up at him. "I'm alive... aren't i?"

"Yes you are." He says. He was getting close to my face. I turn away. He sighs.

"Hopefully I can change your mind about me." He says. I turn to look at him.

"You have blood all over yourself."

New chapter



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