Equinox: Chapter 14

Start from the beginning


"Mason, get in the god damn car."

"Lilly, no." He wasn't even looking at her when he spoke.

She groaned and revved her engine hoping to scare him a little bit. "Mason it's going to be dark soon, you don't have a coat and you're soaking wet!"

"Whose fault is it that I'm soaking wet?"

She groaned and banged her fists against the steering wheel. "Mason seriously I am not leaving you alone in the woods! Either get in the car now or I will follow you home like this!" Maybe she should have let him die in the woods... "Mason, get in the car, now."

He stopped suddenly and sighed. Without a word he walked in front of the car and opened the passenger seat door, dropping in and crossing his arms over his chest. "Drive fast."

Lilly pulled into the road again and drove towards the town in silence. Why she kept running back to him she didn't know. Everything about him said leave me alone, every word he said to her meant the same thing, leave me alone. He wanted nothing to do with her and she wanted nothing to do with him but somehow they always managed to end up back together.

Well today and while she had him trapped in her car was the day that they were going to have the dreaded conversation. Today was the day they were going to figure out a way to get around their dislike for each other and be able to work together, for the sake of the Coven. "Can we talk about us?" She asked quietly.

Apparently the question threw him off as Mason turned to look at her, a shocked expression on his face. "I didn't know there was still an us."

She shrugged, "Until we're no longer in the same Coven you and I are going to have to find a way to get along or else we're going to drive everyone else insane." She sighed and slowed down so she could get most of the conversation into the open, "I think we should vent out our problems with one another. You can even go first and take as many blows as you want." Her emotional wall could handle the pressure, right?

He sighed, "I'm not playing this game, Lilly."

"And why not?"

"Because it won't end well, for either of us. Just drop the conversation and step on the gas. I just want to go home." He waited a few moments before adding, "In silence." Relunctantly she agreed and drove into Willow Creek, when she pulled up outside of Mason's house he left her car without so much of a backwards glance and walked into the house, which was still being renovated from the summer.

She had an urge to follow him but something told her to stay inside the car. SHe sighed and fiddled with the chain around her neck, the one with a ring on the end she got at the carnival in the summer. Lately playing with the smooth chain in her fingers calmed her down when really she had no idea what she was doing

When the rhythm of her heart slowed she pulled away from the curb and headed towards Sean's apartment. She was suppose to be staying with Jake that night but she wanted some one on one time with her cousin. Though not related by blood and not the Sean she remembered he was still her family.

When Sean peaked through the window and saw her standing there she thought she heard him swear, but he did open the door and cock an eyebrow at her late night appearance. "What do you want?"

"Some place to stay tonight?"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Lilly cocked her eye brow this time, "I am pretty sure this is my apartment, legally, so if I say I want to spend the night I can." For a moment Sean stood there without a word but reluctantly stepped aside so she come enter the room.

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