Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Word Count: 7669

^Picture of Tiago Rodriguez^


•Xandria's Point of View

"Welcome! As many of you have come to figure out, I have found my mate," Hunter announces into the microphone. He looks over at me with a wink and I smile nervously. The pack listens intently and holds smiles on their faces, while I probably look freaked out. "My mate, Xandria Summers, is the most stunning, caring, and strong-willed woman that I have ever met. There is not a day that goes by where I do not think that she is exactly the kind-hearted soul this pack needs. She, though very stubborn when it comes to my order, knows when something needs to be done. I know for a fact that she will always put the lives of others before her own. She is everything this pack will need in order to survive, and so I have called you to this ceremony with intentions of making Xandria, this packs new Luna," Hunter says powerfully. The pack cheer and howl unanimously, which made a new sense of nervousness hit me. Hunter waves for me to come up and I gradually make my way up the steps. My nerves were skyrocketing by now and I begin to take slower steps.

Oh sweet Moon Goddess, don't let me fall down these steps! I don't need the pack to think any less of me. I'm already a human Luna, I don't need another reason for them to think little of me.

I had learned from Gaby while at the mall exactly what this ritual was. Hunter is going to give me a bite that will connect me to pack and I will be able to feel them much like Hunter does. Though, because I am not a werewolf, I will not be able to mind-link with anyone of the pack expect for Hunter. Now, as for the ritual, a future Luna has to go through multiple challenges that will test both mind and body. For she-wolves, the Alpha will normally make the future Luna fight all kinds of people to see how strong she is. Then, if she passes, she is given this liquid that will put her in a sort of coma like state. It is said that in this state, the Luna is faced with difficulties of having to choose between the ones she truly loves and face her worst fear while doing so. Many she-wolves have woken up almost half dead and so they were not fit to run a pack. It is the Moon Goddess that finalizes in the end if the girl is worthy of being a Luna. I'm guessing that if the girl wakes up half dead, then she was not fit for the role.

Instead, since I am human, I will just get the liquid injected into my system and I will go into a coma like state, just like the she-wolves would. I'm not really sure what I'm going to encounter once I'm out like a light, mainly because this pack has never had a human Luna before. Gaby said that she's never heard of a human Luna in our packs history and so she didn't really know what I had in store. She stated that it will most likely be painless and I'm really hoping that it's true.

"Moon Goddess, we ask that you help Xandria on her journey in becoming the SilverMoon pack's Luna," Hunter says up to the heavens. So if I suck as a Luna, it'll be the Moon Goddess fault? I can live with that.

Hunter looks over at me, shaking his head. He most likely heard what I just thought about the whole Luna thing and I only gave him a sheepish smile. What else could I do? I was about to become a freaking Luna!

"Xandria," Hunter calls out. He hid his nerves from the crowds face, but I felt his emotions clearly. He was scared to death and that only made my heart race faster. "Do you accept the position as Luna of the SilverMoon Pack? Do you promise to put your pack before all else and do your best to keep them safe?" he asks, speaking into the microphone loud and clear.

"I-I...," I was freaking out and stuttering. How can I agree to be their Luna when I might just be the worst one?

Hunter offers me an encouraging smile that slightly clears my nerves. Taking a deep breath,  I look at Hunter in the eyes with a new found confidence.

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