#23, Blast From The Past

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I stared at him.

He stared back.

I stared more.

He just stared biting his lip nervously.

I now stared at his lips.

He released it and ran a hand through his hair still staring at me.

I stared back at his face.

He too continued to stare drawing in a long breath.

"Aren't you gonna say something now?" He asked releasing his breath.

I blink at him once then twice.

"Wow." I said finally.

"Wow?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, wow ." I sighed.

"Are you okay Mae?" He asked concerned and kept his hand on my forehead checking if I had fever or something.

I swatted his hand.

"I mean, aren't you gonna get up and leave? Or yell at me? Or...you know...be scared of me? Though you shouldn't be since I cannot hurt you even by mistake but still." He said in a vulnerable voice.

"Wow." I said again as the whole situation finally sunk in.

"Will you tell me what is wow here?" He groaned.

"My life has become a cliché story. That is wow." I shrugged.

"So will you..." He started.

"Nope I won't get up and leave and no I won't yell at you but I will definitely kick you." I kick his shin and he makes and oomph sound, his features scrunching up in pain.

"And no, I am not scared of you." I finish grinning.

"But...but..." He tries to say.

"I will change my mind if you..." I look at my watch. "Don't explain yourself in the next five minutes." I say and his mouth drops open.

"I can't-"

"One." I said calmly

"Mae listen-"


"This is ridiculous!"


"Okay fine! I'll tell you, but I don't know about five minutes...it's a long story." He sighs defeated.

"I have time." I say and lean back in my seat.

He runs his hands down his face tiredly and I feel bad for doing this to him. I know I am being a bitch but I have waited so long for him to open up to me and now when he is going to, I will not let it slide.

"My parents died in a car crash when I was three." He said and I immediately regret pushing him. I try to say something but he holds up his hand stopping me.

"None of the relatives were willing to take me in so I ended up in an orphanage." He looks out of the window into the darkness.

"Life was miserable there, they used to feed us once and basically kept the children as slaves, whenever someone failed to do something assigned to them, they used to beat us and lock us in the basement. If the punishment was minor we were locked in for a day with no food, otherwise for days. Once I remember, I was in the kitchen when one of the boys purposely crashed into me and made all the plates fall, everything broke. As a punishment they burnt me with a hot iron." He says, my eyes water and I place my hand on top of his.

"I still have the scars on my back, they used to torment us not only as a punishment but also for their fun. That's why I have those tattoos, to cover all my scars. I felt so lonely and turned myself impassive, but still I was a small child, I never showed any weak emotion during the day but cried myself to sleep remembering my parents every night."

"Just when I thought my world was completely plunged into darkness...you came in my life like a ray of light." I smiled a small smile at this and squeezed his hand.

"You came in as an angel that day, the girl who gave me hope again, who made me believe that there is some positive thing in my life. I sneaked out every day but you were never there, but I never forgot you. That's why I call you sunshine, the girl who illuminated my dark world."

"By the time I was nine I was adopted by the Stone family. Initially I was terrified of them but I warmed up soon since they treated, and still treat me, as their own child. My dad, or Mr. Stone, runs an undercover gang along with his company. But we are not a bad gang, we actually help the police. We don't directly deal with them but help them by wiping out the gangs causing trouble. Asher and Ray are also a part." He says and my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"Like a good gang?" I ask.

He chuckles lightly, "I guess you can say that."

"We deal and behave like a real gang so that we can get the information about the others and then either kill them or if they are willing to submit, take over them. The man you saw me talking to earlier was a member of the gang we are currently after." He explains and I nod slowly processing the information.

"Also, you were asking how I know Cole." He says and my eyes immediately snap up to his.

"His gang is also under our radar and yes, he deals in trafficking business." He tells and my blood boils in anger at hearing this.

"As soon as we catch this gang we are currently after, he is next." He finishes.

I just sit there taking in the blast of information.

"So..." He said.

"You do look like a gang leader." I state out of the blue.

"I'll...take that as a compliment." He says and I shrug.

"I want to help you." I state nibbling on my lip.

He looks taken aback by this, "what?"

"I want to help you in finding Cole. I want justice for my sister." I state determined.

"It's not a child's play sunshine.." He sighs.

"I know, but this is my final decision and I stand by it." I say stubbornly.

"Mae please.."

"Ryan please, I want to do this. For my sister." I plead while he looks hesitant considering this.

"Pleeaaassseeee!" I make my puppy dog face.

"Okay fine." He finally gives in.

"Yay!" I fist pump making him smile, but then his face immediately turns serious again.

"But you will need to learn a lot of things and you will not leave my side or always be with either Asher or Ray." He says.

"Aye aye captain!" I mock salute him while he shakes his head.

We sit there in a comfortable silence lost in our own thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" He asks breaking the quietness.

"Still thinking how cliché my life has become." I shake my head smiling while he laughs out loud.


Thank you so much for reading this crap :)

Sorry for any typos!





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