"then why would anybody have anything bad to say?" She shrugs confused. "because when we do I'm pretty sure Julie will have alot to say and probably mention Jackie"

"I doubt she'll risks messing up her own image"

"she would if she thinks it'll ruin my image"

"you do realise she'll try and twist everything?" She warns me "I know. We'll just have to prepare ourselves" I sigh. Knowing that once it's out there, there's gonna be alot of controversy about us.

"well you know I support you both right?" She smiles through pursed lips and I smile back the same way. "anyway. What did the police say about the stalker thing?" She asks changing the subject. "they checked around and inside the house, but didn't find anything that suggest the person has been in our house. So I guess that's something" I shrug "does that mean you guys will be going home soon?" She asks looking a little disappointed. "mhm. Plus I think Faith getting a little suspicious why were staying here"

"she's getting to know her family. Nothing weird about that" she shrugs. "I guess, I'm gonna go and see her before I leave for the studio" I say getting up from my seat.


Faith's POV

We've been staying with Kathrine and Joseph for a few days now. At first I thought it was kind of strange he randomly decided to stay here for a few days, but it's actually been really nice. Growing up it was just me and my mom (when she was actually there) and I had to pretend my dad was still living with us. It's completely different here though. There's always somebody around to talk to and they actually like each other and enjoy spending time around each other not just pretending to for the cameras like I have and it actually feels like a real family here. I know technically they are my family as well as Michael's and everybody's treated me the way they do any other family member, but it still feels weird calling them my family.

When I'm done with my shower, I go into the bedroom to change and as I'm looking through the dresser, I feel Michael wrap his arms around me from behind, making me jump slightly. "quit doing that!" I giggle slightly turning to face him. "I couldn't help it" he chuckles slightly pecking me lips and goes and sits on the bed. "you know you didn't have to leave just because Toya came in" he says slightly more serious. "I know, but I just didn't feel like listening to her bitchy comments so early in the morning" I shrug sitting beside him. "well don't worry. She's going out to see her boyfriend slash manager soon so it'll just be you and Janet.. She's the nice one" he smiles and I smile back, then notice the time. "speaking of manager's. Aren't you supposed to be meeting Quincy?"

"mhm. But I'm not leaving until I get a kiss goodbye"

"there you go" I giggle pecking his lips and go to stand up, but he pulls me back playfully "uh uh. I'm not leaving with just that" he smirks leaning in kissing me softly, which quickly deepens as he leads us both down onto the bed softly moving his hand up my thigh and there's a knock on the door making us both jump. "Faith! Your dads downstairs!" Joseph says behind the door then we hear him walking away and we both sigh getting up off the bed. "I'll tell him you'll be down in a minute" Michael says leaving the room, looking a little disappointed he got cut off.

I quickly get dressed and go downstairs and Jackie is in the living room with Brandi. "I need you to take care of the baby for me for a few hours. I have a really important meeting and the nanny's sick" Jackie says quickly handing her over to me. "wait! I can't just.."

"I'll be about two or three hours tops. Everything you need so in the bag" he cuts me off handing me a bag quickly turns to leave. "But Jackie I can't..."

"thanks again!" he yells heading for the front door cutting me off. "he can't just leave her with me!" I turn to Michael. "you'll be fine. Like he said everything you need is in the bag" he reassures me. "I'm gonna have to go meet Quincy, I'll see you later" he smiles pecking my lips "wait! You can't leave me. I've never took care of a baby before! What I'm I supposed to do with her?" I say nervously having no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do"

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