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Written: 26th October 2013
Rewritten: 19th November 2017
(Third Person POV)

There was a bump that came from downstairs. A red haired girl sat up on her bed, listening. A knock and a scream followed. The girl's blood began pumping, adrenaline rushing through her veins. Something was wrong and she had to go, now. She scrambled off her bed, stumbling towards her window. Opening her escape route, she hesitated. Her window was on the second floor, would she make that jump?
Footsteps creaked on the stairs. Someone was coming, and if they found her, things would not end well. She brought her attention back to the window. Now would be her only opportunity. She climbed up on the window sill and prepared to jump. A scream came out of her mouth, as she fell.

Backwards, back into the room, she fell. A figure stood over her. Another was laying on the floor at her door. She cried out "Mom?!" Her mother didn't move. A third person moved to the doorway, bending down and grabbing her mother. "If she wasn't so weak, we wouldn't be here." His eyes as black as oil. They sucked the life out of everything.
She couldn't fight back. The fighter in her was scared, desperate to flee. Her eyes spilt tears as she tried to crawl back to her window. A foot stomped on her hand, preventing her attempt. She dragged her eyes to meet those of her captor's.

Gold. His eyes were gold, but there was no life shinning through them. Just cold.
Her captor grabbed her shoulders and forced her into a sitting position. "Don't struggle and this won't hurt, okay?" His voice sounded gentle, as if it once matched his eyes. A blade came from behind his back, quickly positioned over her heart. She began hyperventilating. She didn't want to die, not like this! But fate had other plans, and no longer cared what she wanted. The life ran away from her and her eyes fell cold, lifeless and broken. She was dead. "Goodbye, Clarissa Morgenstern."

Gasping, Clary bolted up. Blinking away the sleep, she glanced at her surroundings. She was in a room that was unnaturally white. The walls were white, the ceiling was white, the floor was white, even the bed and sheets were white. It hurt to look anywhere. There was a warmth on her right hand, holding it in position.
"No," she breathed. This was not going to happen. She had to get away before they killed her again. She began struggling, pulling her arm, trying to free herself. The warmth grabbed on tighter. Using her other hand, she managed to push the warmth off of her hand. She stumbled off the bed, crashing into the IV stand next to the bed. She ripped the IV out of her arm before staggering backwards, knocking over the IV stand. The loud crash woke her captor up.

"Clary?" The boy called out, fear laced through his voice. Clary couldn't pull herself up to her feet and instead tried to crawl away. The boy stood up, towering over her small frame. He barrelled towards her. "No!" She cried out. He jolted to a stop.
"Clary?" He whispered, his voice melting.
"Get-get away from me!" She yelled, hands in front of her face, tears streaking down her cheeks. She felt so broken, so utterly afraid of the world.

He stopped a few meters from her. His face looked sad, as if he was going to cry if she continued to push him away. Her head tilted as she tried to understand what that meant. Didn't he want to hurt her? Didn't he want to kill her? He wasn't supposed to be sad, he's a murderer! All these thoughts hurt her head. Other voices chimed in: "Goodbye, Clarissa Morgenstern"
"Don't struggle and this won't hurt, okay?"
"He's a murderer! Don't trust him!"
"Run! Get away from him!"
"We can't move! If we don't move he won't attack!"
"I'm scared! Please no!"
She couldn't think. Which were her thoughts? Why were there so many voices? Her hands clamped over her ears. A scream sounded out through the white room.

The doors burst open with a flood of people rushing in. Maryse, Jocelyn, Luke, Isabelle and Alec had heard Clary's scream and had thought the worst. However, once they were all inside the infirmary, everyone froze, unsure of how to approach the situation. Clary was curled into a corner with Jace standing a few meters away, a few seconds away from collapsing from heart break. Jocelyn and Luke rushed to their daughter/step daughter, aiming to give her comfort. Something that hurt Jace even more.

(Jace's POV)

I stood in the middle of the infirmary, meters away from the love of my life. But I couldn't get any closer because she seemed terrified, screaming at me to stay away. She was obviously in pain and I couldn't comfort her. That's what hurt the most. I couldn't make my feet move towards her no matter how much my heart cried out to comfort her. Getting closer would only bring more pain and fear to my beautiful girlfriend. I couldn't do that to her.

Helpless, I watched as Luke and Jocelyn rushed passed me and collect Clary into their arms. My knees gave out as my heart shattered. Darkness was the last thing I was conscious of.

(Clary's POV)

I was vaguely aware of comforting hands guiding me to a car and then, before I knew it, I was sitting on a bed. The room I was in was familiar, my bedroom. Still shaking, I grabbed the covers and curled up underneath them. Why did that guy act the way he did? He's supposed to kill me, he will kill me. So why did he look so sad? So hurt? His eyes seemed so different, like they loved me and were hurt because I was. But that didn't make any sense. None at all.

Tossing and turning throughout the night, kept me awake. Every time I closed her eyes, I saw him; golden eyes so empty, so cold, hand drenched in blood and weighed down by a knife. Tears rolled from his eyes as he moved forward. Screaming, I struggling, trying to get away from him. I screamed myself hoarse as arms and hands wrapped around me. It took minutes for me to realise it was just mom and Luke.

After the fifth time, I stopped trying. Sleep wasn't worth it, if I was ever going to get to sleep. So I stared at the ceiling until I couldn't tell up from down. Eventually, a book found its way into my hands and my eyes lazily slid around the pages. Anything to keep the nightmares and murderers at bay.

(Isabelle's POV)

It had been two days since Clary woke up and Jace passed out. No one had any clue as to what was happening with Clary, not even Magnus. I felt so sorry for Jace and my heart wrenched for both of them. Couldn't they just have their happily ever after yet? The Angel Raziel knows how deserving each of them are for a happy ending.

I was passing the library entrance when I overheard Mom and Jocelyn talking. Curious, my ear pushed against the door and my hand scrawled a rune to amplify my hearing.
"It will take time, Jocelyn. I'm sure it will blow over and it's not anything we need to worry about." Mom's voice spoke.

"I know, Maryse. But you don't hear her nightmares. As far as I know, she's barely sleeping. Her mental health is rapidly declining and no one can do anything!"
"Jocelyn, calm down. I'm sure whatever this is will wear off soon. I mean Jace had nightmares a few weeks ago and they seem to have stopped."
"Maryse, I want to say that your right and believe that she will be fine. But it's not normal. I spoke to Luke and we think that a mundane asylum might be the best place for her right now. At least for a couple of days." I heard Mom gasp as I leaned away from the door. A mundane asylum? No way!


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