Chapter 17: we're leaving...

ابدأ من البداية

After fixing Jadya's hand I make us some snacks and we all settle in the living room to watch cartoons it was two against one and I can never win when they gang up on me.Everyone has been on edge since Mark was attacked. His odds of living through this are getting slimmer. Losing hope is not an option for us but with his heart failing... No, he's gonna pull through this. Please pull through this Mark.

Half an hour later the doorbell rings. I head to the door half expecting it to be Angelica.


I smile, it's not Angelica. "Hi, can I help you?"

She narrows her eyes at me and places her hands on her hips. "Where is Mark. If he is hiding in there tell him to come out or I will come in and get him myself." She huffs.

Wow, she just took one look at me and knew I was not Mark. A lot of people have a hard time figuring which is which. He does look like me after all. I wonder why Mark has neglected to tell me about this pretty little fireball in his life. "And you are?"

"His worst nightmare."

I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows. "Does that mean you two are friends?"

She starts blushing. "Yeah, sort of. If you can call our constant bickering that."

My eyes widen in shock but I recover before she notices. Mark has mentioned her. This has to be Afé. The girl Mark claims that he hates because she is as frustrating as life itself. The girl my little brother does not know he is in love with.

"He's not here."

The hope in her eyes fade. "Oh, tell him Afé stopped by then."

It's then I realize that I have neglected to tell Mark's friends about what happened to him. Not that he would want them to know. That boy has more pride than he knows. Now I feel a little bit guilty for turning off his cellphone. His friends must think that he's abandoned them. She must have thought that he abandoned her. Nice going, Jared.

I check the time on my watch. "Wait," I call. She looks back at me. "I'll take you to him."

"Uhh, that's okay. I'll see him whenever he decides to show up for counseling again."

I now hate that I have to tell her this. "He's in the hospital Afé."

She goes from disappointed to shock and worry in a split second. "What? Urghh that stubborn pig why didn't he call or something."

"He can't." I sigh. "I'm sorry, I turned off his phone."

"Is he alright, what happened to him?"

"Hold on and I'll take you to him." She nods and I head inside to get the potatoes and my car keys.

Moments In Between ( Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن