Age Doesn't Matter {NSFW} (Rap Monster - BTS)

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The clothes he wore in his music video were nice, but I guess he just wants to be comfortable when he is performing. That being said, he changed into some typical ripped black pants and a loose cashmere sweater, that appeared to have a crew neck cut, but was either oversized or just plain strange because his pale collarbone and neck were on full display, something that made me feel a bit iffy.

To top it off, he put on a black choker and fedora, which somehow he managed to make look good.

Sighing, I stood up, straightening out his hat, "What's this? You're acting mature? I never-", he began, but never finished, seeing as I cut him off with a kiss on the lips, that even I didn't expect.

Once I pulled away, I tried my best to remain cool, this was probably my only chance to show him, "I'm much more mature than you think", I said, his face blank from confusion.

It's now or never, right?

"I love you", I said, looking into his eyes, knowing he would be too much of an airhead to piece everything together, yet deciding to use this chance nonetheless.

Hearing footsteps approach us, I stepped away, sitting back down on the chair I had been on prior to making my move.

"Hey, you're on in five, start heading over there", his manager said, opening the curtain that leads to Namjoon's dressing room.

Namjoon nodded, and once his manager left, he turned to face me, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something, "You should go, we can talk about this later", I interrupted, moving my head in the direction of the stage, "Your fans are waiting", I said, somewhat coldly, glancing at him once more before turning on my phone and looking through my social media.

I could feel his gaze linger on me, making me uneasy, especially since I didn't know his response, but I could only ignore it and continue looking at my phone. I would have loved to talk now, but he has a job and I shouldn't ruin things for him once they are going so well. Like I did just a while ago when I kissed then confessed.

After a while, he left mumbling something inaudible, and soon he was back on stage and on the monitor. I was left with an unsettling feeling, making me unable to look through my social media anymore.

Getting up, I walked toward their manager. Patting the manager's shoulder, I signaled to the exit, "Manager-nim, I am going to walk to our hotel, I have my mobile so if anything happens to call me", I said, bowing before leaving.

Luckily there was no crowd near the exit, so I was able to get out of there as soon as possible, the faint sound of music slowly fading as I walked further. I had an idea of where the hotel was, it was the only thing I paid attention to on my way here.

The city life in Japan was not that lively, but maybe that is because Nagoya isn't as busy as Tokyo-

After a while of aimless thoughts and walking, I received a phone call, picking it up once I checked the caller ID "Hello this is (Y/N) at your service how may I help you", I said, picking up my phone in a sarcastic manner, now that I knew who it was.

"What do you mean 'at your service', 'help you'? Why don't you tell me where you're at", he yelled, almost making me drop my phone on the floor.

"Didn't you listen to Manager-nim, I said I was going for a walk, I'll meet you at the hotel. Don't worry about me", I said, seeing the hotel in the distance.

There was a short pause, an exasperated sigh could be heard during it, "How can I not worry about you! What if something happens to you- you don't know Japanese- what if you get lost", he said, continuing to yell into the speaker, doing a great job at ticking me off.

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