• { Chapter 35 } •

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Matthew's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, my isight cleared up after from that long sleep.

The sun seems to be beaming on my closed window covered with my black and white blinds.

I looked down to see that I was covered with a blanket while a pillow was beneath my back.

No wonder I had a good sleep.

I looked at the bed which was now empty, while the blankets was still not fixed on the bed.


Oh fucking no no no no.

I ran down the stairs, making loud footsteps echoing throughout the pack house.

"WHERE IS SHE" I boomed out, shocking everyone when they stopped doing whatever they were doing and directed their eyes on me.

I walked to the guest room.

She's not fucking there.

The kitchen.

Oh how hard I want to kiss the ground so badly.

Dalia sat on the pitch black stool with her elbows pressed against the white marble counter, and her back is facing me.

Her long beautiful wavy hair cascading down her back reaching below her chest.

While Annika stood there cooking something with a frying pan in hand and the delicious smell roaming around the area making me hungry.

I walked towards the stool beside Dalia, sliding into the stool beside her shocking her and staring at me wide eyed with her wide blue crystal eyes.

Dalia broke eye contact, turning her eyes away from mine and bringing out her phone to checking something.

I turned towards Annika and propped my elbows on the counter and asked "so what are you cooking?"

"Pancakes and bacon" she answered.

Once she mentioned bacon, Dalia's head snapped away from her phone and faced towards Annika.

She squirmed in her seat and jumped down the stool, running towards Annika in a hurry with that hunger look in her eyes.

"Are you almost done? Give it to me" Dalia looked at her eagerly while pouting her full lips, and trying to steal a glance at the bacons that she's cooking, but Annika is blocking the bacon away from her sight.

"If you behave" Annika said, like she's disciplining a little child, jutting her hip out and placed her empty hand on her hip. Making her more look like a mom in front of a pouting child.

"Fine" Dalia frowned, she turned towards the countertop and started walking meanie/baby steps while looking down.

Honestly, she looks so cute with her hair covering her face, and I before she looked down she was pouting adorably.

Okay I gotta shut up now, I sound so stupid. But those are facts, those should be fucking facts.

'Some rogues trespassed the border, they're asking for you' Clark mind linked me.

"Stupid rogues" I muttered under my breath.

I looked towards Annika and told her that some rogues trespassed the border, she nodded and then I brought some guards with me on the way.

As soon as I reached them, there were 3 male rogues. One looks like he took steroids, the one in the middle is so far the smallest of the 3, and the last looks like he hates the world.

I stood in front of them making myself look more dominating, making me stand tall with a straight back.

"Did you even know that you just trespassed the border!?" I yelled out, feeling my adrenaline rush go faster and faster my anger became stronger and stronger every second but I pushed my wolf down.

"We knew" the guy in the middle said, just shrugging their shoulders like there is no problem at all.

I sighed in frustration and just told the guards to place them into a cell.

As soon as they were out of my sight, I shifted into my wolf.

Those stupid rogues, I feel so stressed out and I feel like I have weights on my shoulders.

Letting him take over, while I stay there at the back of his mind as I see trees passing by us in a fast speed.

Dalia's POV

I nearly did a dance in front of Annika, once she placed a plate in front of me with tons of bacon.

I felt my mouth water once I set my eyes on the deliciously aromatic scent of the bacon, literally making my stomach growl in hunger for those alluring bacons that are calling for me to devour them.

I'm coming for you my little babies...

I completely forgot that Annika was still there the whole time until she snapped her fingers making me almost jolt in surprise and snapping my gaze at her.

"Let me guess, you completely dozed off and forgot that I'm. still here. I feel special" She sarcastically remarked with a roll in her eyes, folding her forearms and leaning her back against the wall.


I could feel my lips twitching up into a goofy grin as I loon up at her, which lets put a sigh of amusement.

She stood up properly and started heading off towards the sink to start washing the dishes.

Eating it as slow as I could, savoring my addiction for this delicious bacon and all its bountiful glory.

After for 3 minutes or so, my bacons are gone. Making me upsettingly sad, my bacons are gone.

They're gone.

I could feel the sides of my lips falling down into a sad expression and my eyes with sadness.

I seriously feel like an emotional bitch right now.

Feeling depressed and all, I got my ass of the stool and started my way towards the living room.

If I happen to remember...

After running into some random rooms in the house, I finally found the living room which is completely empty.

The walls are a color pitch black like you are getting sunk into complete darkness, the television has a wide, curvy and black screen, showing that it is currently off.

I went towards the creamy white sofa that happens to brighten the room to top it notch, black feathery pillows are pressed on each side of the sofa.

I slid down to the sofa, taking of my shoes, setting my legs comfortably on the other half of the sofa feeling the soft pillows behind my back and hiding my face in the lower part of the sofa.

I slowly felt the heavy drowsy feeling knowingly the main reason is the sofa.

I let my eye lids slowly close until I could see nothing.

done 💫
guys ill just try to update in 3 or...2 days..? maybe hahaha
pizza out 🍕

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