24- Inside And Outside The Nightmare Realm

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Second P.O.V
You could understand why Bill wanted to stay in your realm so bad. This place was as boring as it could get. Despite the fact that the tear in the sky was rainbow colored, the actual realm was grey and dark. You had warped into another form now, looking more menacing than you ever had before. You looked like Bill in his human form, but your skin was grey and your dress and hair were blue. You sat, tossing your cane back and forth, then slamming it on the ground. There was almost nothing to do here, except watch over the people in the real world. Sadly, you were no longer connected to anyone in the real world, you had no one to watch over. You sat and wondered how Dipper and Mabel were doing, and whether your mother had gone home or not. Did anyone even care that you were gone, or did everyone just move on with their lives. In reality, only Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica had known you existed, but if they had decided to move on, it would sting more than any pain you had ever felt. You wondered if your mother was still grieving, or if she had finally moved on.

"Mabel, please just grab me the journal and hurry up. We're going to summon her today." Mabel raced up the stairs as Dipper paced back and forth. Your mother sat on the yellow chair, watching the young boy pace back and forth.
"How are you sure that she will come back after you summon her?" Dipper looked at your mother with a slight glare in his eyes.
"She's only part Dream Demon. There's enough human in here that she should be allowed to come back." Mabel raced back down the steps, practically throwing the journal into her twin brother's hands. He took it and flipped to the page about Bill, showing the chant to only summon him, not go into someone else's mind. Dipper, Mabel, and Mrs. (l/n) all placed one hand together in a circle, and Dipper began chanting the cryptic message.
" Egassem sdrawkcab. egassem sdrawkcab. Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab! Egassem sdrawkcab!" The whole world went grey-scale and froze for a moment, then there was a bright blue flash, and when all had faded, the trio opened their eyes and looked at what stood before them. Dipper stared in shock for a moment, then raced over and picked you up in his arms and spun you around. He looked you in your brilliant (e/c) eyes, smiling brighter than he ever had. You looked at your arms against his shoulders, and noticed that they were back to their old color. You sighed, realizing you were back to normal.
"Am I here to stay?" You asked, feeling tears welling your eyes.
"I summoned you back here. As long as you don't cause any trouble, you're back in Gravity Falls." You hugged him tight, missing the embrace of a person. Before Dipper could kiss you, Mabel practically ripped you out of her brother's arms and hugged you against her chest.
"(Y/n), (y/n), (y/n)! I thought you would never come back! I got so scared I lost you forever." Mabel finally let go of you and you smiled at her.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you again." Mabel pulled away and you looked face-to-face with your mother. At first, she looked angry that you were standing there, but tears began welling in her eyes, and she soon ran up and embraced you.
"Oh, my baby... I missed you so much. I love you so much."
"Mom... please tell me you think I'm capable of handling myself now..." She looked at you and smiled.
"You are more than capable." She hugged you again and smiled. "I love you so much, baby." Your mother let go of you again and you looked at Dipper. You walked over to him and smiled.
"Do I finally get that kiss now?" You chuckled and drew his face closer to yours and placed your lips on his, sweet and loving. There was nothing more you wanted than what you had right here, right now.
Your life was perfect.

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