Saving the others

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Marquel summons a portal and drops Zygon,Jasper,Caleb,and Raiden inside of it."Wait you could always do this?",I asked.He nodded.He closed the portal and we all flew back to the Bounty.
A few minutes later
"What the heck happened to the Bounty?",Dusty asked.We landed and walked around the deck."When did we get so many cannons?",I asked."The ninja must have added them to the ship",Violet said.Marquel flew up to the sails."Why are these black now?",He asked.Strange.I went inside and began to look around.Where were the ninja?Raven appeared and landed on my shoulder.'The ninja are trapped',He said.'What?Where?',I asked.'You will see soon.For now we must defend ourselves.' 'From what?' A ninja appeared and tried slashing at me with his sword.I dodged and pulled out my bo staff."Come at me bro",I said.I think Marquel said that."I'm a girl",the ninja said before summoning a dragon.She shot purple flames at me.Zygon came into my mind.Why do all of Ren's students control one of the four elements the ninja have?I dodged the flames and jumped onto her dragon.I then went into my dragon stage and grabbed her.I flew out onto the deck and ninja escaped my grasp.She shot fireballs at me and I flew around them.I returned fire.Raven went inside of me and I glowed purple.'Should I take control now?',He asked.'Not yet',I answered.I flew toward the ninja while holding a shadow ball in my hands.I shot it at her and flew in the air.The ninja dodged the shadow ball.Dusty walked outside and went into his dragon mode.He flew up to me."Hey I learned a new trick",He said."I haven't mastered it yet." "Dude just do it!",I shouted.He formed a glowing sand ball and shot at the ninja.She obviously dodged."Tick,tick,boom",Dusty said.The sand ball exploded causing sand to shoot everywhere.The ninja was out cold."How are Violet and Marquel doing?",I asked."They're fine",He answered.We landed and turned back normal.
3rd person view
"Lightning!",Jay shouted.He created sparks."Dammit!" "We already tried that",Kai said.Tommy walked over to Kyle who was trying to go into his zen mode."Come on",He said."What is time man doing?",Tommy asked."I can't tell you." Lloyd pulled out his sword and slashed at the cell.His sword had no effect on it."Jay what did you make this out of?",He asked."The stuff Zavok used to trap us in the Dark Isles",Jay answered.Everyone groaned."When we get out of here I'm going to make sure Ren can never find us",Ash said.Ren walked over to the cell and smiled."How does it feel to be trapped in your own trap?",He asked."Let us out so I can destroy you",Shade said.An explosion was heard on the deck."I have to handle something.You all have fun in there",Ren said.
1st person view
Dusty and I walked inside and went to find the ninja.How did they get captured anyway?Marquel appeared and summoned a portal."Let's check the cell room",He said.We walked into the portal and appeared in front of the cells we had.I summoned Raven and let him fly around.A shuriken flew past us and Jasper walked in."Hello again",He said.Dusty pulled out his daggers and dashed toward him.Jasper dodged a stab and shot ice at him.Zygon and Raiden appeared and we attacked them."We meet again",Zygon said.Marquel kicked him and shot solar rays at him.Zygon dodged and spun into a fiery tornado.I summon Shadow me and we both attacked Raiden."That's not fair",He complained while shooting purple lightning at us.I dodged and hit him with my bo staff.He hit me back with his nunchucks and spun into a purple tornado of electricity.I spun into spinjitzu and we both ran into each other.Sand flew past me and hit Raiden."Sandy watch where you aim",I said."I hit him.That's all that matters right now",He replied.Raven flew back and landed somewhere high.'I found them',He said.'Cool.Just give us a minute',I replied.Raiden flipped over me and kicked Dusty.Jasper summoned ice in his hand.Shadow me took down Raiden and I jumped on top of Jasper.He threw me off of him and shot ice at me.Marquel floated Zygon and threw him across the floor.Dusty trapped Raiden in sand while I trapped Jasper in shadow chains.Raven showed us where the others were and I hit the cell with my bo staff.It had no effect."What the heck just happened?",I asked."You can't break it you have to find a key",Jay answered.Marquel hit it again."Didn't I just say you couldn't break it?",Jay asked."Hey I tried",Marquel said."I'm guessing Ren has the key",I said."Correct", a voice answered.I turned around and spotted Ren.He shot a chi blast at us.Marquel created a black hole and sucked it up.He then shot meteors at him while Dusty ran toward him.Ren dodged the meteors and kicked Dusty away.I pulled out my bo staff and ran toward him.He shot another chi blast and dodged my attacks.Marquel pulled out his sai and spun into spinjitzu.Ren blasted him away and continued to dodge my attacks.Where did Violet go?I got my answer when a fan flew past me.Ren grabbed the fan and shot chi blast at Violet."Come now children",He said.Marquel came back and punched him.Dusty followed him and kicked Ren.Ren tripped Marquel and threw him into Dusty.Violet went into her dragon stage and attacked Ren.Marquel,Dusty,and I did the same.Purple fireballs flew past us and Zygon went into his dragon stage.He flew toward Marquel and tackled him to the ground.The others appeared and attacked us."Why do you keep coming back?",I asked."You can't beat us that easily",Caleb answered.He pulled out his scythe and attacked Violet."Kai he has the same powers as you",Jay said pointing to Zygon.Both Tai and Kai looked at Zygon as he shot flames at Marquel."Oh didn't you know all of my students have the same powers as you?",Ren asked."No." "Oh well." I shot purple fire at Raiden but he teleported and attacked me from behind.Raven flew past me and grew in size.He attacked Ren with his beak and talons.Ren dodged his attacks and shot a chi blast at him.Raven dodged and turned into a shadow.I did the same and took control over Raiden's shadow.I turned back solid and let Shadow Raiden fight Raiden.Raven and I attacked Ren.He dodged our attacks and kicked at us.I summoned a shadow ball and threw it at him.Raven did the same.Ren destroyed both and continued to attack us.'We must fight as one',Raven said.I nodded and he flew inside me.I let him take control as everything became black.
3rd person view
Raven summoned shadow tentacles and grabbed Raiden,Ren,Zygon,Caleb,and Jasper."Which one of you have the key?",He asked."Put me down and then I'll tell you",Zygon said.Raven smiled and tightened the tentacle's grip on him."I may be in a different body but I'm still as smart as ever",He said.Marquel floated to Ren and found the keys to the cage."I got them",He said landing.He freed the others.Shade held a shadow ball in his hand."I'm going to destroy Ren",He said.Lloyd stopped him."Don't kill them.Just put them in the cage." Raven put them in the cage and locked it.
1st person view
Raven flew out of my body and I looked around."How did you guys let yourselves get captured?",I asked."They brought more ninja",Caden answered."I know.Dusty and I defeated one",I said."What about the others?",Garmadon asked.Others?"We must defend ourselves",Sensei Wu said.We all pulled out our weapons and waited.

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