Chapter 2

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{Niall's POV}

"Are you crazy?" Nikki whispered as we walked over trying to open my locker. Yes, yes I am crazy. I should know better than to mess with Harry and his friends. They hate me. I hate them too but they're all ass holes that will pumble me later.

"Probably." I sighed not trying to think about it.

"Well I gotta get to class. See you at lunch Ni" Nikki smiled kissing me on the cheek. I nodded shutting my locker and walked down to room 248.

I walked in looking down at my intense game of Temple Run before being shoved into a wall. I looked up immediately after dropping my phone and saw Harry.

"Watch it fag" he growled

"You bumped into me. So you watch it"

"I see someone grew a pair over the summer" Harry chuckled.

I ignored him bending down to grab my phone and made sure it was ok.

"I'd watch myself if I were you" He said simply before walking past me. I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose and walked over to my seat in the back right hand corner.

I could hear the idiotic chatter of Harry and the friends and I put my headphones on. I hate it here. I hate that I'm not accepted because I like the same sex as me. It doesn't matter. At least I didn't think so.

As class began I zoned in and out of the conversation concentrating on my drawing in front of me. My escape was this. Art to be exact.

I focused on the thrones going along the rose then wrote along the stem the one and only used against me.




I hate that word. I've heard it almost everyday since I came out. I heard the bell ringing snapping out of my small daze and collected my things.

I put them in my book bag and headed out of the class. As I passed people I heard the snickers and comments which I chose to ignore. Being the only gay boy in school is hard.

"Yo Niall" I heard a male voice say behind me. I raised an eye brow turning around and saw Harry.

"Fuck off Harry" I growled.

"Just listen to me. Geez"

"No" I said continuing my walk down the hall to my next class. What could he want from me. I've been his punching bag to much over the years. I can't take it.

Throughout my beginning classes I of course stayed to myself trying to ignore the constant stare Harry and his friends were giving me.

I sighed looking back at my notebook and a note was thrown on my desk. I looked at it for a while before I heard Harry whisper.

"Open it"

I rolled my eyes opening it and looked over the delicate writing.

Can we talk? I'm really sorry

I laughed crumpling up the note and throwing it on the floor. Harry's never sorry.

"Hey!" Harry pouted

"Your not sorry and you know it"

"That's not true. If I didn't mean it I wouldn't have said it"

"Well keep your sorry. You've been a jerk to  ever since I came out. Nothings changed. Not even you"

{Harry's POV}

I don't care if he accepts my apology. I could give to shits about the little fag. I'm just seeing how far this can go.

The boys dared me to see if I could get Niall to fall for me. At least I know I wont fall back. I don't go that way.

I just want to win the bet. If he gets hurt so fucking be it. I won't care. But I gotta deal with him now until he admits he actually loves me.


But he's being an annoying little shit and being complicated. He has the right to hate me. I'll admit that I beat the crap out of him.....a lot. But I can't help what I was raised to believe.

My father was against gays at all costs. When he left me and my mum that's all I ever remembered. Being gay is wrong.

I sighed putting my head down on the desk. Niall isn't going to be an easy nut to crack but hey I'm up for a challenge.


Chapter 2 yay!!!! I hope you guys like this chapter. Today role play was intense with Narry feels and I needed an outlet and I came here. It's so stressful sometimes but fun. Crazy I know. But whatever. Comment telling me what you think. Thanks. Oh and sorry this is so short. It's my phone and I'm in math class right now




Follow my role play IG account for the book Ghost Of You at @ghost_niall

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