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Next morning, Cat walked to school. She put her bag inside her locker and took her History book out and walked to her class. When she entered, she did not see Mr. Smith in the class. This was odd as he always would be there.

Cat just shrugged and sat at the back of the class and kept her head down as usual.

The bell rang and, the students came and sat down on their places. Still, no sign of the teacher. Eric came and flopped down on the seat next to hers.

"Hey, Catherine." He smiled.


"Soooo," Eric began, "Why do you always look down? I mean, even last time I saw you , you were like this."

"Um, I g- guess I do not want to look at anyone." She said, softly. So softly that Eric was almost didn't understand what she said.


Mr. Smith suddenly entered the class. 

"Class, take out your books and read Chapter 13. I have a very important work right now. Nobody is to leave the class. I will come by to check on you." He warned and left.

'It's not like anyone else going to actually read.' Cat thought, while taking her book.

"You're seriously going to read?" Eric asked.

"Yes, I have nothing else to do."

"You can read that at home. Why don't we try to get to know each other? We are friends after all, Catherine." Eric grinned at her.

"You know, you can call me Cat. We are friends after all." Cat replied and both of them laughed.

"Sure, so Cat, favourite colour?"


They went on and on until the bell rang. They had to go different ways since they didn't have any class together.


Cat, as usual went to her locker, thankfully not being pushed against her locker. 

"Hey, nerdy."

Cat turned around slowly, to face him. He handed her some sheets of papers.

"This report is due on next week." With that he just left.

She put them in her bag and went to the library to have lunch.

Short chapter, I know. Sorry :( But i hope you like it.

But that's Tracy.

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