Tasting The Rainbow {2}

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A.N.- The pictures are ones I took of David and Stephen (who represent Adam and Zelly) at the Feel Good Now Tour<33


                “Any questions?” When no one raised their hands, our teacher nodded in approval and signaled everyone to give the papers back. The kid next to me handed me my homework, which I had gotten a 100% on, and folded his arms over the desk, resting his head comfortably on them.

                The teacher glanced at the clock and sighed. “Okay, next period, we’ll start our lab. Please be back to class on time.” I glanced at the kid out of the corner of my eye. He was staring straight ahead with impossibly blue eyes.

                The bell exploded and I jumped out of my seat and hurried out of the classroom. I made my way over to Clapper. He was leaning against the wall outside of his next class. Our classes were only about 2 or 3 rooms away from each other.

                “God dammit. I got paired with another lazy kid! Fuck me,” I grumbled. “Gladly,” Clapper said with a wink and I rolled my eyes. “You wish you could get my dick.” Clapper shrugged. “I’m all for vag, Zelly. I’m no faggy chink like you.”

                “You know, you’re my best friend Clap, but you’re an ass.” He shrugged again. “Hey, look who’s talking.” I grinned at him. “Aw Clap. You love me.” “In a bromance way, yes. I suppose I do.”

                He pushed himself off the wall. “So who’s the new lazy kid?” I shrugged. “I forgot his name. But I’ve seen him around the school. God I hate lazy kids.” I sighed. “Gotta get back to class. See ya.”

                Clap waved at me and I walked back to class. I walked inside just as the bell rang and went to my new seat. The kid I sat next to wasn’t back yet.

                Our teacher, Mrs. Costello, started passing out the labs. The classroom door opened and the kid came in. He casually sat back next to me and Mrs. Costello shot him a disapproving look, which he promptly ignored.

                Mrs. Costello handed us our labs and went up to the front of the class. She explained that we had to make slides and draw we saw before letting us get to work. I grabbed our microscope and the stuff to make the slide before heading back over to the table.

                “Hey, uh…” “Adam,” the kid said quietly. “Okay. Adam. Can you plug the microscope in?” Adam nodded and did so as I prepared the slide.

                I slid the slide onto the microscope and brought it into focus before drawing what I saw. I slightly slid the microscope over to Adam when I was done.

                He was absentmindedly doodling on his paper. “Uh, while you draw, I’ll go prepare the next slide,” I said and moved to get the stuff for the next slide.

                When I came back over, Adam still hadn’t drawn it. Seriously? How lazy can you get? This was easy. It was first grade shit. It wasn’t that hard to look at a blob and draw it on a paper. And, you can get an amazing grade if you draw some shitty blobs and answer a few questions about them that you could easily Google.

                I opened my mouth to ask him if he was done, maybe it would prompt him to do it, but he spoke before I did. “You can change the slide. You don’t have to ask.” I snapped my mouth shut then opened it again and spoke. “You sure?” He nodded, his pale blond hair slipping ever so slightly over his eyes.

                I moved to change the slide as Mrs. Costello passed us. She frowned. “Adam, why haven’t you drawn it yet?” Adam shrugged slightly, not looking at her. He was focused on his scribbling now. Mrs. Costello sighed. “Adam, you are not leaving this classroom until you’ve drawn at least 3 of the slides. Got it?” He nodded slightly.

                She walked away and Adam stood up. He was pretty average as far as height went. He bent over the microscope and peered into it. He grabbed his pencil and lazily drew the specimen before sitting back down and watching me change the slides.

                I drew it and then Adam did. We did this for 3 slides before Adam set his pencil down and rested his head on the desk to sleep. I rolled my eyes. The fuck was up with lazy people? I was tired too, Adam. You didn’t see me sleeping on the damn desk.

                Mrs. Costello came over and shook her head at him, although he obviously couldn’t see it. “Adam, you have so much potential. Why can’t you just try to do the work? Come on, it’s only 2 more slides. Get to it,” she said after roughly shaking his shoulder.

                He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Here,” I said and slid him the microscope. As much as I hated lazy people, I didn’t judge too harsh if they didn’t copy others. So far, Adam didn’t seem like the copying type. But this was only the first day of class with him, and he could prove me wrong.

                He drew the specimen quickly before sitting back down and cracking his knuckles and neck. I made a face and turned away so he wouldn’t see. I hated the sound of people cracking their bones. It was just fucking gross.

                “Okay, keep your labs for the next double period,” Mrs. Costello said after glancing at the clock again. Adam moved to shove his in his bag, but Mrs. Costello shook her head at him. “Why don’t you let Zelly keep an eye on that for you? You’ll lose it.”

                He gave her a confused look. I mentally rolled my eyes. “I’m Zelly,” I said, giving a slight wave. “Oh,” he muttered and handed me his lab. I put it carefully into my folder with my own lab before sticking it into my backpack.

                The bell rang and Adam lazily walked out of the classroom. I looked down at his spot and frowned, reaching down and picking up a cell phone.

                I opened the phone and saw a picture of Adam and some girl as the background. Adam had a very, very slight smile as the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled huge. The picture had clearly been taken in a mirror. This was obviously Adam’s phone.

                I hurried out of the classroom and looked around for him. He wasn’t anywhere in sight and I sighed. I’d just find him after school and return the phone to him. Slipping it into my pocket, I made my way to my next class. 

Tasting The Rainbow [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now