Chapter 22: Bloody Nose

Depuis le début

I wanted to spend some time with my dad, I wanted my family back. I need to be acknowledge, I can't stand being alone, apart from my family. I wanted to eat breakfast with him and be able to make dinner with him and discuss normal things.

I take a deep breath and refold everything. By 2:30am I was done. I leave the stacks of clothes down stairs in his hamper and go to my bed.

The next morning, my phone kept buzzing, waking me up. I turn on the screen. It was 6:32am. I look at the text from Arlene and Luke, reminding me about the game today at 7am. Suddenly Arlene called me.



"I'm outside already, come on."  Yesterday, she volunteered to give me a lift to the game.

I stretch out "come inside; will be down in a bit."

"You're not ready yet."

"I over slept sorry."

"Of course you did... hey your door is locked."

"There's a key down the stairs under the pot."

"Okay, hurry up."

I multi task, trying to comb my hair while I brush my teeth. I grab my black flannel with my tight black jeans and my high top vans. I leave my hair flowing and grab my phone. Arlene sat there, with my box of cereal "hey, you were taking forever and I got hungry." I roll my eyes and she leaves it on the coffee table. I lock the door "Arlene, did you put the key back." She yells "Yes! Now come on, hurry." I smile and roll my eyes.

When we got there, the bleachers were half full. We spotted Liz and Ashton at the top. We climb up and sit. She sat next to Ashton, while I sat next to Liz, trying to avoid him. I have no clue if Zayn told anyone but I did not want to risk it. We watch the game. I lean closer to Liz "where's Zayn and Luke?" she points out to the field "Zayn is number 3, he's left fullback and Luke is 7, right midfielder." I nod and watch them play. Luke is amazing, attacking and stuff and Zayn plays but Luke was right, it wasn't his passion.

20 minutes into the game, a shadow hovers over me and sits next to me. I turn to see Louis. At first I was shock he even came to the game but then he sitting next to me, after I was about to slap Eleanor, i didn't know how to act. I sigh and ignore his presences. He sneers "so you're giving me the silent treatment too." Suddenly Zayn scores a goal somehow. We all jump up and cheer. I scream "Way to go Zayn!" he looks up to the bleachers and waves at me while smirking. Then two other girls scream their lungs out "Zayn! ZAYN! ZAYN!" he laughs and waves. We sit back down and continue watching. Louis leans closer to me "How's it going with you guys?" I ignore him and stare at the two girls obsessing over him. The more I stare; I began to notice more girls talking about Zayn. Luke was right, he has a lot of fans.

Fingers snap my vision back, I turn to Louis "what do you want!?" he leans back; his face turns serious and stares to the field. I felt bad and sigh. I move my hair to the side. Zayn kicks the ball to a guy and the guy runs with it, speeding through a crowd of guys, changing direction and then he kicks it to Luke and he runs with it, kicking it to different direction and he finally gets close to the goal but a opposite team member comes and grabs his shirt. Luke pushes him off and throws him to the ground. Luke kicks and scores a goal. The guy on the floor yells and dramatically rolls over the grass. Everyone huddle around and the referee gives Luke a yellow card. Everyone then starts arguing. Then the guy from the floor gets up and punches Luke. Sudden chaos starts. We stand up and I cover my mouth, worrying about Luke. Everyone from the bench ran and got involved in the violence.

Once everything cleared, Luke's nose was bleeding and purple. Liz sat down and only sighed. She didn't flip but she seemed so calm. I ask her with shock "Aren't you worried he got hurt." She laughs "Honey, Emma, this is not the first time he's gotten a broken nose over soccer." I widen my eyes and nod slowly.

The game ended, resulting 5-3. Luke's team won. The guys went to the locker room so we waited for them by the benches. Louis waited with us. No one said a word until we saw Luke and Zayn approaching us. Luke had a large band aid around his nose and Zayn's hand was bruised. We congratulate them. I hug Luke and whisper into his ear "I cheered till I almost lost my voice, just for you." He pulls away and smiles. He goes to Liz where she slaps his arm and curses him off for getting hit.

Zayn comes close to me, hiding his hands from me. I laugh "I saw what you did; now I understand the scavenger hunt night." He laughs and hugs me. Suddenly his breath tickles my ear "it was in the spur of the moment." He walks away smirking and goes with Louis where he hugs him "manly". Everyone seems to ignore Louis but Zayn.

Liz went off to work and we stood in the parking lot, quite. Zayn broke the silence "come on guys, we all need to move on. He's our friend." I look at Arlene and Ashton. They maintain their vision on the ground. Luke coughs "alright man, but listen if next time, you don't defend Arlene, don't expect someone defending in return." Luke leans in next to Louis and shakes his hand. Ashton sighed "listen mate, we all care about you but we also care about your sister, even though we all secretly hate her sometimes. She's your sister for fuck sake; she cares about your well being. Just next time, don't let it be a next time okay." Ashton walk to Louis and rubbed his hair around. Louis pushed him off "little fucker. We made up and now you're pissing me off." Ashton yelps "I don't remember kissing you?" Louis rolls his eyes and looks at me.

I look down to the floor. Arlene sighs "I already forgave him yesterday during dinner. I guess I wrong to judge her. She really does care about him." I look up and all eyes are on me. I blush "what?" Ashton giggles "are you planning to forgive him?" I ask "if he only forgives me for almost punching Eleanor." He laughs "deal."

Arlene brings her hands together, rocking her body back and forth "let's do something, anything but this corny stupid childish session, being open about our feelings." We all laugh. Ashton yawns "I'm hungry, let's go to Mamma's Waffles?" everyone agrees but I sigh "I should go home." I didn't bring any money with me, again. I didn't want any one paying for my food. Arlene sighs "What!? No, you need to come!" I smile. She pulls me aside "what's up?" I sigh "I didn't bring any money with me." she laughs "well just make Zayn pay." I grab her arm and raise my voice a little higher "No!" she giggles "Emma its fine, he's cool with paying." I close my eyes "it's not that, well it is that but it's not that." She grins. I sigh "I kissed him yesterday." She yells "You! K..." I cover her mouth and pull her closer to me. I let go of her and she continues "you kissed Zayn!?" I didn't move. She smirked and walked away.

She walks over to the guys "we gonna stop by Emma house real quick. Well meet you guys there." Ashton laughs "monthly duties?" she sneers "yeah, you should know. By the way where did you leave the pads." His smile disappears and Louis ducks his head down, laughing at him. Ashton scoffs and goes inside Louis's car.

I follow Arlene back to her car. we exit the driveway and I look back to see Louis and Zayn's car driving off in the opposite direction.

How Did We Get Here // Luke Hemmings & Zayn MalikOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant