I can't wait to go back. Uncle Chester can I come back? He asked him. Of course. Oh look there's mommy and daddy. Say bye to Aunt Grace now. Bye Aunt Grace.

I love you, bye Luca.

Bye. I heard a click on the other end, followed by an 'awww'.

Helbig! When are you popping out children? That was so adorable.

Mamrie don't ever say that again.

Don't worry. I won't. But at least I got that on Snapchat.


Sorry Grace. I couldn't resist.

You are such a pain.

But you still love me. No you don't love me you love that little boy. Grace what happened to you?

Shut up or I hang up.

Grace seriously. You have changed so much.

Good bye Mamrie. Bye Hannah.

Bye Smells!! I hung up and put down my phone. I grabbed my laptop and began editing the video we shot yesterday. I watched as Luca put his burrito together and laughed as Chester flew around the room with him on his shoulders. I am really going to miss him. Already do. I got a call from Chester and immediately picked up.


Hey. What do you need?

I'm sorry for not telling you or waking you up.

It's fine. What if we had the wedding in 2 months. Maybe sooner.

Okay. But that's a lot of planning in a short period of time Grace.

I know. I want to though.

Alright. Well how about we go to the venue we want first.

I want the reception at the park by the flower garden.

How about we do the ceremony at the park as well.

That would be beautiful. But it can't be windy or cloudy or cold. It has to be perfect.

Anything with you will already be perfect. I smiled.

You are too much for me sometimes.

That better be a good thing.


I love you Grace.

I love you too Chester.

I hung up the phone and smiled. I went onto the parks website and emailed them for a possibility of rental. It was going to be perfect. It is going to be perfect. 15 minutes later Chester came home and popped on the couch beside me. "Good morning honey." He said. I smiled and he kissed my forehead. "Let's do something fun today, just the two of us." He suggested. "I have to-"

"Nope. Its Saturday. You don't have to do anything. And don't tell me otherwise." He said cutting me off. I smiled and closed my computer. "Alright fine. What do you want to do?" he stood up and extended his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up into his arms. "Just get in the car." He said. "Shouldn't I get changed?" I said still in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Nope. In the car." I got in the car and Chester followed. He pulled out of the driveway and drove. 10 minutes later the park was in view. He parked and we got out. "Chester we don't have a kid to play with anymore. Two thirty year olds on a playset isn't a good idea." I said, bringing up how lonely we would be without that little boy.

"No that isn't what we are doing." He said. He grabbed my hand and walked us through the park. Until we got to a flower garden. The flower garden. "Chester don't go sappy on me." I said. he turned to face me continuing to hold my hand, his delicate fingers intertwining with mine. "I love you Grace Anne Helbig." He whispered resting his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and smiled. "I love you Chester Lionel See." I whispered back. I moved closer to him and felt his lips brush against mine. I leaned in and kissed him.

Third Person POV

So there they stood hand in hand, amongst the misty haze that was the morning surrounding them. Eyes closed and smiling in each others arms. You didn't have to know them to know that they were in love. When their eyes opened you could clearly tell that not one couple has looked at each other the same way that these two looked at each other. Once strangers and now best friends, partners, lovers. A simple place like a flower garden can be a sentimental place for others. A place of love. And clearly these two have found their place of love. If you observant enough throughout the day you start to notice things, like the diamond on her left hand. Or the emerald stoned golden ring on her right, both of significant value. Not materialistic value though, emotional value. You could also notice the way that they smiled at each other when embracing each other. Or maybe the way the females figure fit snug into the males frame. Almost as if two puzzle pieces had found their resting place beside each other. Standing a close distance to the couple I heard only one sentence from each of them before they kissed one last time.

"I do."

"I do"

                                                                           The End
Grester:How It Is
Second book

Grester: How it all beganWhere stories live. Discover now