Chapter 9 - Wolfhall

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I joined my uncle and Henry on a hunting trip. I watched as he killed another dear.

"A good kill, do you want to get back to the palace?" Uncle asked

"No, is there somewhere round here we could stay?"

"Uh, there's Wolfhall"

"Wolfhall who owns that house?"

"Sir John Seymour and his family." the King turned around smiling.

"I remember Sir John. He was in France with us." he mounted his horse "Let's go surprise him" i turned Luna my horse and rode off. I don't know what happened but on the way my horse was spooked. I screamed and tried to clutch on but failed. I slipped and fell of Luna and she rode off.

"Lottie!" I groaned and sat up. The two men were at my side in a moment.

"I'm fine, I'm okay." I was helped up and I brushed myself down. My hair was messy so I let it loose and removed all the leaves.

"What happened?" Henry asked

"I don't know. One minute I was riding the next Luna was spooked and I slipped from her." Henry made me look at him

"Are you sure, you're okay?" I smiled

"Honestly I'm fine."

"Good, then you shall ride with me if that I okay with your grace." we looked to my uncle

"Yes, your majesty." Henry mounted and my Uncle winked at me. I rolled my eyes and took Henry hand as he helped me up. All my standards were not compromised as I was in the presence of another and there was nothing intimate.

"Hold on, my lady." I wrapped my arms around him and we set off riding again. We stopped seeing Wolfhall. My Uncle and Henry shared a look before Charles rode ahead. We followed behind. Stopping outside we dismounted and entered

"You have a special guest" Henry made fast pace down the steps and over to them.

"Sir John"

"Your Majesty" I had heard of Sir John from my uncle. The three embraced and I smiled softly. Once the parted Sir John looked at me.

"Sir John, might I introduce my niece Lady Charlotte" I curtsied

"Sir John, I have heard much about you." he kissed my hand

"Pleasure to me you Miss Charlotte."


I laughed quietly as the men discussed the French Campaign. His majesty was sat at the head with me on his right and them my Uncle on mine. Sir John sat across from me

"I must ask his majesty to forgive the tardiness of my kitchen." Sir John said

"I think I'm very well looked after, Sir John. The Duke and I were reminiscing to Lottie here about the French campaign"

"A yes" I grinned taking a sip of my wine

"It was a shame that we only fought one battle against them."

"Err excuse me I take offence, I am half French, My lord." I smiled jokingly

" Oh please forgive me, my precious Lottie" I laughed

"What a battle though, I remember how we charged at them with His Grace leading the vanguard with tremendous bravery" I grinned my uncle and rubbed his arm "And how the French were broken in the charge and fled the field before us."

"And all we saw were their spurs" Charles chuckled.

"I must tell your majesty, the Milanese ambassador was amazed by you. He said to me 'The King was fresher after his exertion than before. I do not know how he can stand it.'" I laughed and his majesty lifts up his goblet

"To past victories." I lifted my goblet up I response.

"Lottie" I turned myself to Henry.


"You said once your mother was a noble?" I nodded

"She was although I do not remember what it is."

"Then why have you not inherited it?"

"Well because no one knows if she's dead. And well I have asked for her to be declared so."

"Why not." I chuckled

"Why would I want a title that belonged to a woman who abandoned me?" I sat back in the chair "That would be a great insult upon my soul, reputation and self respect. I do not want people to pity me as the daughter of a Countess who ran off." I took a gulp of my wine.

"My apologies."

"No, mine. It is not your fault." I sigh "It just makes me angry and upset. I thought it was my fault, I thought I hurt her and she hated me. I was only five" he took my hand and rubbed it soothingly.

"Ah your majesty, may I present my daughter, the Lady Jane Seymour."  We looked up a beautiful young woman who was slightly older than I walked down in a white dress. We all stood from our chairs. Henry  clutched my hand before placing a chaste kiss. I smiled and he let go.

"Your majesty" she curtsied to the floor.

"Lady Jane." I found myself yawning.

"Please forgive me if I wish to retire."

"Jane would you be so kind as to lend one of your nightdresses to the Lady Charlotte" Jane actually looked at me then her father

"Of course father" I followed her

"So are you the King's mistress" I snapped my head toward her.

"No, nothing of the sort. I would never."

"Forgive me." I entered my guest chambers and waited a maid came in with Lady Jane with a night dress.

"Thank you"

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