How I Met My Brother Chapter 2

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After about three hours Kai came back. “hey tiny.” he said sliding down the rail of the stairs. ‘tiny???’ I thought to myself. “I got you some food.” he say putting a plate of mixed food in front of me. “I know its not much but its better than what you eat at the snake demons palace.” he said smiling. “your really hyper aren’t you?” I asked Kai. He smiled big and said “wow you can notice?” ‘yeah its almost impossible to miss’ I thought to myself. Kai stood there continuing to laugh. I don’t get what he finds so funny. “Anyway, go ahead and eat.” Kai said. “im not all that hunger.” I said. Kai raised an eyebrow and my stomach began to growl. “Your stomach is a traitor” Kai said. My stomach rumbled again “SHUT UP” I yelled looking down at my stomach. Kai began to laugh again and my stomach continued to rumble. “Come on Yori just eat.” Kai said. “Ugh fine. But wait what about you?” I asked Kai. “oh me uh I had a late dinner.” Kai said as his stomach began to growl. “im sure you did.” I said looking down at his stomach. “well listen Yori you’ve been trough a lot more than I have and your probably more hungry than I am so you just go ahead and eat and ill eat later ok?” Kai said. “fine. But promise you’ll eat” I said. “I promise.” Kai said walking out the door. ‘I wonder where he goes when he’s all on his own’ I thought to my self. I ate all that could fill my stomach but I felt really bad now because I had forgotten to leave some for Kai. I headed to the door and was about to open it but before I did Kai came in. he looked down at me and started messing up my hair “and now just were did you think you were going little man?” he asked laughing ‘Little man??? Im not all that small’ I thought to my self. “Hey Yori I brought a friend with me to look at your wounds cause believe me you’ll end up in worse condition if I do it.” Kai said. I looked past him and saw a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. “hey there cutie.” she said smiling tilting here head and looking at me. I blinked a couple of times. I hid behind Kai and im not exactly sure why. “Hey Yori what’s the matter?” Kai asked. I don’t know why but now I only felt safe around Kai.  “Hey come on Yori she wont bite. She’s just going to help fix your wounds ok?” Kai said to me trying to make me feel better. “He is so cute” the girl said cheerful. “Hang on Miziku he’ll come out from behind me in a minute.” Kai said to the girl. “Listen Yori if it makes you feel any better I wont go any were ok? I’ll be here the whole time she’s working on you.” Kai said. “promise?” I asked him. “I promise.” Kai said. I came out from behind Kai and the girl was still giggling cheerfully. “ok now im scared.” I said looking at the girl. “Why is that?” Kai asked me. I pointed at the girl and said “she’s worse than you.” Kai began to laugh at what I said. “Ok on with the introductions. Yori this is Miziku.” Kai said pointing at the girl who stopped giggling. “Miziku this is my little brother Yori” Kai said pointing at me. “he is so cute” the girl said running up to me and hugging me. “some body help me” I said sarcastically as my body was being crushed by her hugs. “ok so lets see what’s wrong with you. Shirt off please” she said. I took off my shirt and stood still. She examined what was wrong with me. She saw the gash at my arm and found some broken bones. She smiled then walked over to Kai. “so what’s wrong with him?” he ask. She continued to smile at him. Then she slapped him. “YOU IDIOT WHY HAVENT YOU DONE SOMETHING ABOUT THIS” she yelled at Kai. “WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE TO YOU SOME FREAKING DOCTOR. HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPOSSED TO KNOW?!” Kai yelled back. “THE CHILD HAS A BIG BLEEDING GASH ON HIS LEFT ARM WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW THE HELL WERE YOU SUPOSSED TO KNOW. YOUR SO STUPID!!!” she yelled. “I KNOW IM STUPID YOU TELL ME THAT EVERYDAY.” Kai said. They continued the argument and I stood there tapping my foot as they raged on at each other. The argument continued for about five minutes. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the both of them. I looked back and forth at the two that were still yelling. I took a deep breath in, then I jumped up and grabbed both of them by the ear and pulled them down to the ground. “OW” they both said coming crashing to the ground. Still holding onto there ears I looked down at both of them and said “LISTEN. INSTEAD OF YELLING AT EACH OTHER LIKE TWO ANGRY RINOS DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE PROBLEM INSTEAD OF CONSTANTLY COMPLAINING.” they both looked at each other than looked at me. I let go of there ears and they both got up and dusted them self’s off. 

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