Chapter 2

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Since Louis has a 'girlfriend' why can't I? He wont care will he. Louis is just a self centered little bitch. He moved on.. So why can't I? I am going to move on from his little bitchy ass. Might as well right.. He'll never love me again. So that's why I texted Taylor. I thought she was really cute.


T: Hey sexy ;)

H: Hey beautiful want to go out for coffee? ;)

T: Sure were do you want me to meet you?

H: The which ever Starbucks you want. Text me the details.

T: Ok Handsome

A couple of minutes later Taylor texted me where to meet her and next thing I know I was at Starbucks waiting for her to show up.

Finally after waiting five more minutes Taylor showed up and we chatted. We talked about the random things. At times we were very serious and at others we were just flat out laughing our asses off. I had a good time with her today. Even though she was only a cover up.

"Well my lady this day was dandy but I should get going before people start to worry."

"I should get going to but I had a very nice coffee and day with you Mr.Styles." I smiled showing my dimples because you know. My dimples make ovaries explode. Now back on topic. I grabbed Taylor's hand and kissed it ever so gently.

"Good day Mrs.Swift. I hope to see you soon?" I asked.

"Oh definitely Mr.Styles. We have to have another lovely day together."

I hugged her, waved goodbye, and drove of in my sexy car with my sexy curls. Well not so many curls after a couple of hours. I am going to get my hair done in a curly quiff kind of thing. I speed off to the barber to get this mop sort of tamed. But the only sad part is, is that Louis wasn't there to talk to me and keep me company while the long process of the hair cut took place. Oh well. He didn't love me anymore.


O-Kay that's the end of another fabulous chapter of Beards. I really do hope you enjoy reading this story because I enjoy writing it. See you next time guys! ♥ ~Leah

Beards (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now