Season 3 Finale Q&A (Season 4 Possibility?)

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After three seasons, Fear Games has finally concluded. If you haven't read the series, or finished what you've read so far, do not continue reading this, as there are finale spoilers!











This series featured many different killers, motives, and subplots. Can you break this down in an easy way?

Of course. Daisy was the one who came up with the Fear Games idea, but was not the Original Killer. She helped Ryan avenge his brother's death, but building the Fear Games house and things like that. When he realized what her motives were--which was simply to kill--he decided to do it on his own.

Next came Daisy, who decided to build a team. This team consisted of she, Layla, and Brandon. All of their motives were different. Daisy was simply a serial killer who manipulated everyone around her to do her bidding. Layla was depressed, and Daisy manipulated that to get Layla to join her (but this changes toward the end, which I'll explain in a moment). She was used as a double agent. Then we have Brandon with his hatred for gay people. Daisy used this to get Brandon to pursue to Games onto Josh, while Daisy tried her best to make Damien's life hell so he'd join and eventually take over after her death. 

Damien's motive is my favorite of all. He had a terrible life, struggled with his sexuality, and was basically manipulated by Daisy into believing that if he desensitized himself, he couldn't be hurt by anything or anyone. Layla liked Damien's philosophy, which is why she helped. In the end, Damien tried to either get Josh to join him, or tried to hand the Games over to him permanently. Josh obviously declined, therefore ending the Fear Games cycle--supposedly.

That brings us to the next question. There was a bit of an open-ending in regards to Eden and Rachel. Are we to assume they start the new Fear Games, or do you think the cycle truly ends there?

That's up to the readers. After everything Rachel went through in season 1, she started the Masquerades to try and help keep people safe from her own difficulties. The new Fear Games were obviously much worse, more demented, and really sickening. Does this change her outlook? That depends on what the readers think.

As far as Eden, she obviously went through a lot. But does what she went through turn her evil--and maybe not evil, but a killer? The open-ending leaves possibility--not saying it'll happen, just pointing it out--to MAYBE return to the series in the future with a rebooted storyline, sort of like season 2 did. 

So a season 4 isn't completely off the table?

It is for now. And who knows, it might not be a season 4 exactly, but a spin-off? I'm not really sure. I have a potential idea in my head, but until it grows into something bigger that I could make a plot out of, it's likely not going anywhere. It also depends very much on the fan reaction to this finale. Do they like it and want it left alone? Or do they want more? And if they want more, is it for the right reasons?

Season 3 featured a lot of deaths, including Matt, Leslie, Miranda, Layla, Damien, did the decision come to have such a big bloodbath, similar to season 1?

I knew season 3 was going to be the worst. Not in the sense that season 1 didn't have a lot of death, but that these are characters we know a little bit more because we spent an entire season with most of them prior. And with season 1, a lot of the deaths were by traps, things Ryan didn't do himself. This season was very hands-on, even with the traps. It felt personal. 

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