Chapter 10

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Kenzie's P.O.V

When we get back home- Apartment! When we get back to the apartment, I eat a sandwich. Not because I wanted to, no, because Jc and Kian made me. "I'm tired of you guys treating me like a kid, if I'm not hungry I'm not gonna eat" They were about to say something but stop, coming out sounding like a gasp.

"What?" They shake their heads. "This doesn't even seem like a girlfriend and boyfriend relationship" I mumble. "Then what does it seem like?" Jc joins me at the table. "Its like your parenting me" I mumble. "I'm not trying to, I'm really not. I'm just trying to keep you safe- I cut him off. "Like a parent would do"

"Kenzie stop, please" He says. "I'm going home" I stand up, he grabs my hand. "This isn't healthy" He says. "I am eating, what are talking about?" He shakes his head. "Not.. I mean this arguing. Its not healthy for our relationship"

"So what do you mean? We should break up?" I ask. "No.. Yes... I don't know. Look, I don't want to but maybe we need to. For our sake" I chew the inside of my cheek to stop from crying. "You really think that?" I nod. "Fine!" I grab my purse and yank my hand out of his grip. Leaving, going back home. I didn't even want to drive in the car Jc gave me, thats how mad I was at him. Not even together for a week and we're already broken up. I should just go back to Parker, he'll treat me better than Jc.

Jc' P.O.V

"You broke up with her!?" Kian shouts. "We argued a lot, I don't think its healthy" I explain. "I hope she goes back to Parker" He shakes his head. "I gave you a chance, and then the one thing I told you not to do, you did! I know you two were gonna break up one day but you weren't even a week together!"

"Kian-" He cuts me off. "No. I think its best if I shut up" He goes to his bedroom. "You messed up big time" Ricky says, shaking his head. "Shut it" Connor says. They both go upstairs. I cover my face with both of my hands. "Huge mistake Justin" I say to myself. "I'm so sorry Kenzie" I whisper, at the verge of tears.

Kenzie's P.O.V

I didn't go home, I went over to my friend's apartment. Madison and Marissa. They were both youtubers, famous ones at that. Kinda like Andrea. "He did what?" Maddie asks. "He said we should break up, so I left. And I'm-" My phone rings for the millionth time.

"Give the guy a chance, answer it" Marissa says. I sigh and pick up the phone, I push speaker and set the phone on the table.

"I'm sorry. I really am, I don't know what I was thinking. Just one more chance, your brother nearly killed me. I very truly really am sorry. I would say sorry for the rest of my life, just please come back"

I look at the girls. They shrug. "Lots of help" I joke, smiling. They always cheered me up.

"I don't... I don't know Justin"

"Go with your heart. Think what would be best, pros and cons" Madison and Marissa whisper. I nod.

"If we get back together, you could just break my heart again"

"But I won't I swear!"

"Then again if we don't get back together, we'll both be missing out"


"I don't know! I'm sorry Justin, I don't know!"

"That's Ok. Take as much time as you need, call me when you decide. I don't care if it takes you days, weeks, months, maybe even years. You pick whatever you think is best. Bye" I heard the hurt in his voice.

"Bye" I say, sounding like a sigh. He hangs up. "He's so sweet, he said, maybe even years. You gotta get back with the guy" Marissa says. Madison nudges her. "Sorry" She laughs. "Its alright. I'm really not sure"

Madison smirks before slamming a piece of paper on the table. "Ok SO, this is the Pro section. And this is con. Let's get started" I laugh and nod. My best friends forever, they have been with me forever.

"Ok, Pro; We can get back together and be happy. Con; He could break my heart" They nod writing it down. At the end of the list we had more Pros (The goods) Then Cons (The bads)

"So... What do you pick?" They asks me. Tapping their pencils, it was hard to decide. "Um... I pick...."

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