Chapter 2

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I am next to the door and have been this way for 3 hours. I was wearing all black in order to blend in. Person after person walked in through this door I can hear the laughter and occasional claps as you hear some one meet there mate.

Ahhh I would love to meet my mate. I mean they could be in this very room but I wouldn't ever know till I meet my wolf. Which of course I haven't again I have never changed but because I haven't it will be fast but 4 times more pain.

I have watched all he packs come in for the mating party. Some of the men were so gorgeous and charming I just wanted them to be the man in my dream, the one who I never got I see. But they ignored me, it was like I wasn't even here which was normal I guess.

after another 2 hours I was on kitchen duty washing dishes and dishing food. I decided to pick up some of the plates and other utensils outside as I walk around I get into the grove of picking them all up as I moved around the Bon fire where couple after couple sat and sucked face. Ugh couldn't they get one of the 215 rooms that I spent setting up for them.

Any ways I made my rounds and when I hade full hands I made my way to the door the air was light with the scent of sweat and liquor. I was getting very tired but i hade 5 more hours of work to do. When I get to the door I start to go inside when I hit something and all my plates and utensils that I picked up from outside came crashing down on.... OH shit.

All of it came crashing down on my alpha. I stand there in aww there is broken glass everywhere and food all over him. The party has stopped, the music is turned down and all the people stare at me in utter disapproval and I feel the burning of fresh tears in my eyes but I don't let them out. I feel the eyes on me from around the room.

Then I feel the air in my lungs leave my body as something (yep my alpha wasn't a person anymore ) slam into me and push me out to the bonfire he then sears the flame with water he is still in wolf form when he throws me on the wet , hot coals "AHHHH "' I can't stop the scream that comes from my mouth as I stand on the hot coals I try to get off of them but Alpha Trent got himself backup While I was out of breath.

I can't find a escape and again I can feel the disapproving eyes watching me like there pray alpha Trent steps out from behind all his goons that have created a barrier around me he is in shorts now and is watching me, hands in fist, and lips in a deep scowl. We stand like this for a while until he turns to the people around us.

"This shall be are live entertainment folks and a physical presentation showing that NO ONE WILL EVER MESS WITH THERE ALPHA!" I can hear the people snicker,clap,laugh and become the heartless people they are. Then everyone moves closer and the guards move farther. I don't dare to move because I don't have my wolf I'm still have human senses.

I look around until I meet eyes with my alpha. "Elise Jade" he speaks in his alpha tone which makes me stand to attention by instinct. "Change into your wolf." And that's when I fall to the floor screaming my hands and feet are becoming paws. my body starts to morph into the form of a wolf. The only thing that makes it not so bad is that my cry's of pain over power the laughing of the people below the circle that was once a fire. My cry's soon become howls as my wolf takes over my place in the world I am almost in complete wolf but the pain is starting to take over and I'm losing sight from all the tears fogging my vision. When I get to the stage where I'm fully morphed with no hair the pain stops. I let out a loud breath that I have been keeping in.

I'm now in a ball on the floor waiting for my coat to grow when alpha Trent says stop. All the alphas are in the front if the crowd. 2,3,4 and 5 those were the ranks of the packs that came tonight. I stare alpha Trent as he's stands there , a smirk plastered to his face. "Stand up" he says. I have no other choice but to do as he says when I stand up.

I feel very surprised with my wolf. Her size is about the same size of alpha Trent's wolf but slightly smaller. He looks at me with a expression known as astonishment but it quickly leaves his face and he is now expressionless.

"Continue" he states in alpha tone and I start to feel a pain but compared to before it's nothing. I feel fur start spurting out of my arms, legs, and everywhere else. I start to role in the coal to itch my skin when I'm finally done this is my wolf.

I look down at my paws and see black from the coal my fur is all dirty and black so I don't know what my coat color is and I'm not the only one who wants to know. A group of pack fighters brings water in buckets and throws it on me I howl and shiver. Others laugh until someone screams and points to me.

The whole group stops laughing and looks at me and now all I see is astonishment slapped on all there faces.

Then one girl asks what color is that!?!? I look down and I don't even know. I have heard of black, white,brown,red,blond and mixed coats before but mine was not one of them. I stare at the crowd all of us in aww and then someone speaks up "I think she has the moon goddesses sister wolf."

I stare at them then back down at my fur it's midnight blue color is slightly pale because of the moon light but I can tell its dark blue. I stop look at them a stare of jealousy and hate laces there faces then without a second thought in my mind I run.


Hello my beautiful readers i know that this wasn't REALLY LONG but I think it was ok SOO what you thinking hehe I know it's different but I decided there should be a twist to werewolf books thanks for reading


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