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I appreciate all of the messages I've gotten about continuing this book. I understand this story line has a lot of fans, but I'm not looking for anyone to continue the story line.

Like I said, I appreciate it. I really do. It makes me happy to see that people want to continue it.

There are a few reasons that I don't want to hand it to someone else

1: people will claim it as their own. I understand you can give me full credit, but there's also a chance you won't. I'm sorry, that's just my precaution.

2: this will always be my story. I take absolutely no credit for the characters, that's all CW / Supernatural. But the storyline is mine. People can make things like it but specifically what happened to these characters were written by me, thought of by me.

Although I don't want anyone contributing solely on this book, I will accept spin-off's or one shots inspired by this AU.

I hope everyone understands and if you have a problem with that, tell me and I'll block you! It's my preference, and I don't need a second opinion. Sorry.

Have a nice day.

-To clarify, there is a slim /slim/ chance of me continuing this series. I haven't picked it up in over a year and I'm working on other works.-

Cars and Motels (Destiel AU) (S&C Aftermath)Where stories live. Discover now