Chapter 6

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"Louis you know that isn't true" Harry said to me. I turned round and faced him.

"Do I? You go around having sex with every girl and then have the cheek to say you 'own me'. I cant be owned, I'm not a toy and wont be treated like one" I said simply to him. I don't want to argue with Harry.

"Louis" Harry muttered. "I haven't had sex with them" Harry said to me. I raised my eyebrow. "I've only done it with two girls and that was 3 years ago. I was trying to see if it would turn me straight but it didn't help" he said to me.

"So what's the thing with you?" I asked him.

"I'm gay! There I said it. I, Harry styles, am not attracted to women" he said to me. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"Do your friends know?" I asked him.

"No, why would they? To put it simply, if I told them, I wouldn't have friends" he said to me.

"Are you really ashamed? The whole school now knows about me and I haven't been here a week yet" I said to him.

"No I'm not ashamed. There's a difference between ashamed and worried. Can we just stop talking about this, I really need the toilet" Harry said to me. I laughed and nodded.

"Go pee" I mumbled. He ran into the bathroom and I lay on my bed. Harry Styles is gay? How? He seems and acts perfectly straight. But then again, that's what everyone says about me.

"Guys I'm home" my mum shouted from downstairs. I walked down and she was sitting on the couch with a book in her hand. "Sorry I was late honey, I had to go to a business meeting" she said to me as I kissed her cheek.

"Its fine mum, Harry kept me company" I said to her with a small smile.

"How are you both? Are you getting along okay?" my mum asked me. I just nodded. "That's great" she said with a smile. "Well I don't really have anything to make for dinner so do you want to just order a pizza?" she asked me. I nodded happily. "Okay go get Harry" she said to me. I nodded and stood up to walk away but Harry walked in.

"Hey Johannah" Harry said with a smile.

"Hi Harry, we were just about to order pizza. Do you want some?" She asked him. He nodded and sat with me on the couch. "What flavours do you guys want?" she asked.

"Pepperoni" I said to her.

"Mushroom" Harry said with a smile.

"How can you like mushroom?" I asked Harry.

"How can you like pepperoni? What's so good about it" he asked back.

"Because it tastes better. It is more filling. What's so good about mushroom?" I said back.

"It's healthier and tasted much better" he said to me.

"Guys calm down. It's just a pizza topping" my mum said to us both.

"Mum this is serious. I cant be friends with someone who likes mushroom" I said to her.

"Well I cant be friends with someone who likes pepperoni" he said back.

"Fine, we wont be friends" I said to him. He just laughed.

"Okay, we aren't friends". Harry's face was seriously straight but he looked like he'd crack soon.

"Well why don't I get a half and half large pizza and I'll just steal some of Louis'?" my mum asked. We nodded and she placed the order before turning back to us.

"So anything happen at school today?" my mum asked.

"No mum, just another regular day" I lied and she believed it.

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