Chapter 12

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~~Harry's POV~~

These nightmares are getting worse and worse as the days go on. I want to tell Nina about the nightmares. But I'm afraid that if I do, then she'll change her perspective of me. But, I know deep inside that she needs to know. I look over at Nina on the bed and she has a sympathetic look on her face. This is exactly why I don't want to tell her. She'll baby me.

"Do you want to talk?" She asked me.

"Yea. I want tell you the reasoning behind my dreams." I tell her.

"Please be 100 percent honest." She says to me.

"Okay..." I sigh. "Well when I was younger. My father was very abusive. He would hit my mother, my sister, and I. He would always come home form work in a angry mood and just beat us. The more he beat me, the more I got use to it." I say almost in years but I hold them back.

"That's why I never wanted you to come to my house when we were in high school. Because of my dis functional family. Well I shouldn't say family. With my dis functional father. I didn't want you to meet him. All those nightmares are my father beating me up and my family. Ever since I went on X-Factor, I stopped talking to my family. I don't even know where they are anymore." I add.

"I'm so sorry Harry. I think you need to see your parents. At least for closure." Nina says.

"No. Never in a million years. I don't want to see their faces. It will only bring back bad memories and if I see my father, I will kick his ass."

"What if he's changed? Just please think about it."

"Nope. I can't even do that."

"Your so stubborn. Lets not talk about it anymore. Do you just wanna go out? How bout you and I go shopping. Just to get out of the house." She said and I feel bad for almost yelling at her. So I agreed to go with her.

We quickly had breakfast, got dressed and went to the mall. We walked about half of the mall and Nina asked if we could go to Macy's. I said yes but that I was going to sit on the bench outside of Macy's. I am exhausted and getting hungry. I just hope she won't take long.

~~Nina's POV~~

I'm in the women's section looking for clothes. I wish I was in the juniors section. But it's all okay for my first 2 children. I accidentally bump into a women

"I'm so sor..." I stopped.

"Nina?" She asked.

"Anne?" I asked her.

"Oh my god it's really you! How are you?" She asks.

Harry's mother is very beautiful. Long brunette hair and almost as tall as Harry. Only I a few inches shorter. And brown eyes.

I've met Anne and Harry's sister Gemma a couple of times when Anna use to pick Harry and Gemma from school.

"I've been good. I'm actually pregnancy with your grandchildren." I say.

"Oh my god. Congratulations! How long are you?" She asks.

"4 months. Would you like to see Harry?" I ask her.

"Oh my god that would mean the world to me. Just give me a second to call Gemma to tell her to meet us here." She says.

Gemma is only 3 years older than Harry. Last time I saw her, she had brunette hair and brown eyes.

"So how are you and Harry doing?" Anna asks me.

"Good. We live together and we're very happy." I say honestly.

"Oh that's good. What's the gender of my grandchild?" She asks with a big smile on her face.

"A girl and a boy. Kevin and Arabella, meet your grandma." I say to Anne and my stomach.

"Oh my god that's awesome! And oh please don't say grandma. I feel so old." She says and I chuckle.

Little awkward silence has passed. But then I see Gemma. She is still the same. She seems tall as Harry. Wow.

"Oh my god hi Nina!" Gemma says to me and giving me a hug.

"Hi!" I say.

"Nina here had got some news." Anne says.

"Yes. Well. I'm pregnant with your niece and nephew. Kevin and Arabella." I say.

"Oh my god congratulations! How far long are you?" She says excitedly.

"I'm 4 months." I say.

"So where's Harry now?" She says while looking around the store.

"He's outside the store actually. Your mother and I were waiting for you so we can go see him." I says to Gemma.

"What are we doing standing around here then? Let's go!" She says.

I laugh and led the way to Harry. There he is. Sitting on the bench. We are at a far distance. He squints his eyes then when he finally realizes who I was with, his eyes widen up.


Sorry I had to leave a cliffhanger! Comment and vote. Btw read and my new story called The Teacher. Go to my profile simplyy_ninaa and you'll see it there. Thanks! ♥️

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