20. Trigger My Nightmare

Start from the beginning

I picked her up and carried her over to the living room where her walker sat on the floor, putting her inside then going to my room to change.

I quickly discarded all of my clothes that I had worn today and replaced it all with my new favorite bikini set, the cups on my top piece had black and white lace that matched the entire bottom piece, I placed a black lace kimono around my shoulders along with a pair of blue jean shorts over my bottom half.

I went to the bathroom then pulled out some baby wipes and began wiping off all of my makeup which would be ruined if I went swimming with it.

I ran a hand through my short hair that I decided to cut last week as well as dye jet black, wanting a bit of change in my life, then walked out of the bedroom with my bags in hand.

"Are you ready?" Jaime asks shutting the lid to our cooler.

"Yes, I'll guard the food while you go change." I say with a smile.

Jaime walks past me with a smile and literally within minutes comes back out wearing a pair of red swim trunks and a white Rebel8 tank top.

"Okay, let's go."

I hook Max on his leash then follow Jaime out of the apartment and to the car where we buckle Lilah in and begin situating all of our things in the trunk while Max sat in the back barking at us to hurry up.

Once we got everything sorted we got into the car and got this show on the road.

After about thirty minutes of driving we pulled up to a beach that I literally haven't seen in years, "Jaime is this?"

"Yes, yes it is." He laughs.

I quickly push open my door and get out, going to the back seat to grab Lilah, Max and my bags, then walk over to 'our' rock and placed my bags and towels on the sand while Jaime followed closely behind with the cooler and floaties that he decided to bring.

"Jaime this is our rock, and our beach." I smile looking over to Jaime who was setting up our big umbrella.

"I know; it's been a while since I've been out here." He replies, tightening the screw on the top of the umbrella.

"I haven't been here since the day you brought me after the zoo." I mutter, sitting on my blue towel with Lilah in between my legs.

"I had come a few months after you left to clear my mind, write a few songs, just get away." He says sitting down next to me on his red towel.

"She's never been swimming." I say looking down at Lilah who looked at the water in amazement.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" He smiles, unhooking Max from his leash who was more excited than all of us, seeing as he hasn't been to a beach since he moved to Ohio with me.

Max ran for the water as we all followed behind him, Jaime taking Lilah from my arms then walked then into the water where it was just above his knees.

From behind him I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture, Max splashing around in the water while Jaime and Lilah watched, the sun low but still bright and beautiful.

arianna.rae: Family beach night, loving this view right now. (floating heart emoji)

I dropped my phone into my bag then pulled off my kimono and walked over to where Jaime stood with Lilah, "I've missed the beach." I say with a smile.

With that I walked in more until the water was just below my breast, "Come on, we'll never know if she likes it if we don't get her in the water."

Jaime laughs then walks closer to me, Lilah's toes hitting the water for the first time, her facial expression was priceless, her eyes went wide and she looked down to see what was touching her feet. Once she noticed it was water she smiled and began kicking.

You Were Always The One (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book Two*Where stories live. Discover now