Prologue: History

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Bobby's POV

"Rob get in the kitchen!" Tracy squealed excitedly.

"Coming, let me get Ellie and Izzy from the den," I called back. What on earth is she so excited about? I wondered as I picked up the girls and started towards the kitchen. When I opened the door there sat our quaint, little dinner table all spruced up with Tracy's best silverware and candles.

"Surprise darling!"

"What is all this for love?"

"I have some very good news..." She said with a big grin.

"Trace what is it?"

"Well I went to the doctor's today and in about 9 months we should expect a new member of the family!!"

At first I was confused at what she was getting at but then it hit me like a truck. "Blimey Trace! Are you serious?!" She nodded with tears welling in her eyes. I ran over and swooped her up in my arms. "That's amazing love,".

That night changed my entire life.

I woke up early in the morning with a dreadful headache, all these swarms of thoughts ran through my head. How can we afford another baby? Another baby will cost a bomb. How will we manage with another baby, we can barely get by with the children we have. I knew I couldn't handle another baby so I left.

Years Later..................

    Ireland is very different from England. There's no Izzy. There's no Ellie. Most of all there's no Tracy. I can never forgive myself for what I've done. Years ago I left my family in Hereford, England. Years ago I left my wife. Years ago I left my beautiful daughters. I haven't had contact with them for years.

    Occasionally when I flip through channels on the telly I see her. The people on the gossip shows talk about who she's dating or what song of her's is rising up the charts.

    I listen to the radio when driving home from work, I hear her. Her voice. Her angelic singing about lost lovers or tragic breakups. She's always there. I can't escape from my past. I thought it was the only way to get out of there to clear my head and start fresh but I always miss them.

    After finding out Tracy was pregnant I left the next day without a word. Changing my name completely, so I would ever have to see their faces again and be reminded of what I've done. People began calling me, Bobby Horan.

    A few years later, after I moved to Ireland. I fell in love with another woman. Maura Gallagher. She made me feel like a new man, a good man. We got married soon after meeting and have 2 boys now, Niall and Greg. After Niall was born and started growing up I couldn't hide it from Maura any longer so one night I told her my confession. She couldn't believe what I had done, she was so ashamed of me it was too painful to bare. The next day she filed for divorce.

    Though I've made many unforgivable mistakes in my life, one good thing has come out of them. My kids. No matter how much I screwed up my life they still have thrived and I couldn't be a prouder dad. Niall, my youngest son, started a boy band with some of his mates from the X-Factor and they have been touring the world. Izzy grew up to be a beautiful wife and mother of a little, baby girl. Ellie has also been gifted with a beautiful voice and she is touring the world as well. My oldest son, Greg, had managed to find a wonderful wife and together they have a handsome baby boy. Though I left before Alex was born I know he'll make it big in the world some day. I just hope the kids will never know the truth.

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