A useful nightmare

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Nicole, Lilith, and I were taken to the hospital for proper care. Nicole has way more than a fever, her left hand was cut in really deep wounds along with the fact that her knuckles weren't able to move because they were bunched up in a ball. Lilith was beat up to, it was mostly wounds and bruises. But she also needed multiple tetness shots. And me, well. I got my right leg fractured, a lot of wounds, I got two black eyes, I broke my left arm, and the flu. Everyone was here, then, like ten minutes after Aaron ended a call, five adults and two children rush in the room, and start to tear up just from the sight of Lilith! It made me a bit happy,
"MOM, DAD!!" I yell, their was also two kids, they both had blue hair. Tho I can't remember who they are. They all come in and hug me,
"LILITH OMG YOUR OKAY!!" The blue haired girl says, the two kids look at me.
"Lilith, are you okay?" The boy asks,
"I'm gonna be honest the only kid I remember is Jacob....." I say, but they take it way better than you would think. They didn't act all sad, they smiled and climbed on my bed.
"Well I guess we're gonna have to start at square one! I'm Nekoette!" The girl says,
"And I'm Dmitri!" The boy says, I smile. But then I remember playing with two , no FOUR KIDS! Nekoette, Dmitri, Jacob, and another girl, black hair, ears, and green  eyes, she looked older than us. I think,
"Where is Jacob?" I ask, but Adam then walks in.
"And who are you? A friend of one of these girls?" My mom asks,
"Yes and no, I actually wanted to speak to you." He says, then he goes in the hall with my mom. My dad pulls a bag out in front of me, I reach inside the bag.
"Since on your birthday we didn't get to open presents." He says, there are three presents... One says, from Mom and dad. Another, Nekoette and Dmitri. The third, Leona and Jacob. Jacob didn't have a sister. Did he?
"Dad? Where is Jacob? And who is Leona?" I ask, Dmitri and Nekoette look down. I add,
"Also Jacob didn't have a sister did he?"
"No he didn't, Leona was a great friend of you you guys. But her mom got a farm in scales wind. But that was only the day before your party, they prepared the present for you." Dad says entusiastic, I look around. Nicole looks confused, so does Katelyn.... It's about Jacob.
"Then where is Jacob?"
".........." Dad just stands there, mom comes back in.
"Mom! Where is Jacob!?!?" I get a little scared now,
"He...... He....."  She doesn't answer me,
"WHY WONT ANYONE ANSWER!?!?" I scream, jumping out of the bed.
"Lily calm down," dad tried to calm me down,
"NO DAD! DONT LILY ME I WANT TO KNOW WHERE JACOB IS!!!! WHERE-IS-JACOB!?!," I yell, none of them answer. But I see Aaron walks in.
"*sigh* Lilith, a while back.  They held a funeral for Jacob.... There was no body, but he was declared dead, because there was blood behind the Freddie fazbear shop. I would know..... Jacob was my nephew." He says, I see tears roll down my face. I don't usually cry,  almost never. My parents once told me I pretty much cried as much as a person sprouts wings and flies. Heck, I didn't even cry when my grandpa died, tho I never met him. But the wall blocking off my tears are cracking,
"Why didn't they call me dead?" I ask taking a fast inhale between each word,
"Because there was no evidence you were dead, tho two months after you were gone they called off the search."
I look at Nekoette and Dmitri, they look shocked. They weren't told about this either, I don't blame Aaron for not speaking up at first. But I look at my parents in disgust, tears come flooding down my face.
"WHY WOULD YOU TRY KEEPING THIS FROM ME!?!?" I sob, I feel my spit go down my chin after my bottom lip tucks in.
"Honey, it's not like -" I interrupt my mom,
She runs out of the room, I see a few doctors look inside of here to see what was going on. I feel so bad for Lilith, Nekoette and Dmitri are on the bed sobbing, their Mom goes and comforts them. I'm assuming they don't have a dad, liliths mom looks panicked and her dad is on the floor stresses, I get off the bed, go out in the hall, and ask a doctor which way she went in.
I'm sitting on the balcony, looking at the highway. Then I feel someone sit next to me,
"Listen mom I'm not In the-" I look to see it isn't mom but it's Katelyn " oh- sorry, I thought you would be mom." I say sniffing up the snot leaking out of my nose.
"Are you okay?" She asks, I stay quiet.
"... I would ask something like "isn't the view lovely?" But that's super sappy, and the view is a gas station, a highway, and an old Burger King. Heh," she chuckles, I just look off the other way.
"...... I..... I know how you feel." She says, I can tell she is swallowing a lump in her throat. I look at her curiously,
"I used to have seven brothers." She trails off, then snaps back.
"I was the oldest, but the oldest brother, one year younger. He- he got a disease, he was so sick, and there was nothing the doctors could do to save him." The outlines of her eyes turn red,
"I asked him, is there anything I can do? When I was sitting next to him," I just look at her,
"He said..... He said don't let anyone get in your way, oh and don't get a boyfriend, because your much cooler without, but don't worry! I haven't told dad. Him dying was the worst start to college possible, but I took his words the complete wrong way..... Everyone who would as big as black mail me, or as little as bumping into me. I would always resort to violence, to get them out of my way.... I let my emotions get in the way, I don't want that happening to you." She sniffs too,  I just hug my legs to my chest.
"I may not know you that well.... But Aaron and Adam explained to me everything that has happened, heck Travis told me you saved me and him! You are a strong girl Lilith, I don't want you using that the wrong way. It doesn't help you getting mad," she smiles at me, I crawl to her and squeeze her. She hugs me back, then we just watch the sunset. Then something flashes back into my mind,
"Lilith! Don't be scared, your strong! Just don't use it the wrong way, anyway come on!!!" Jacob says pulling my hand backstage,
"Jacob! But what if we get in trouble?!? If my parents find out they'll kill us!"
"Well then we just have to make sure they don't find out!" He gives me a smirk, I sigh.
"Oh alright, but IF we get caught in selling you out!" I say,
"Fine by me." I follow him in,
"Wow look at all these suits! What if the robots on stage are actually PEOPLE!?!?" Jacob asks looking inside boxes and at suits, I look inside a suit. Wires and gears layer the inside.
"Yeeeeaaa I don't think people would want to go inside one of these..... It would probably hurt." I say, turning towards him. He looks inside the one i was looking at, he agrees. We look inside a whole load of them, I go to a foxy in the corner of the room. I look inside,
"AH! JACOB! LOOK!" I say falling down to the ground,  he rushes over and looks inside.
"... Yup! We should probably go back to the dining room!" He turns around, I get up. We start to walk,
"Not so fast!" Someone grabs my shoulders,
"LILITH!" I black out, I open my eyes one last time, I feel blood soak my clothes... Or what's left of it, I see Jacob, he runs out the back door, a man running after him with a box. Purple and blue,
"*GASP*" I wake up in the hospital bed,
"Are you okay Lilith?" Nicole asks,
"Yea I'm fine, what happened?" I just realized it was just me Nicole and Katelyn,
"Well you fell asleep on my lap, you seemed distressed so I got a bit worried and brought you back. Was it just a nightmare?" Katelyn asks, I stand up on the bed.
"More than just a nightmare! A memory! Jacob-is-alive!"

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